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Idea to balance TGI system


AuthorIdea to balance TGI system

even you win 200k from roulette..i failed to see why u still so poor

more failed
this is not about me!

this is about every1 who 'fails' to save up gold and buy TGI because of the unfair system...
Not to mension the fact that you are ALREADY a member of thief so u do not have to worry about it... SELFISH guy!
PS: I'm not going to reply this any further... up to admins now:)
Btw, real price for TGI is 2 milions. So TGIs are still underpriced
Do u know what it means to enroll hard and get + 1 million gold??? it means IMPOSSIBLE!
It means you want "everything now"!

IF you enroll from 1 lvl 10 times and then win the fight - then up to 4 lvl you get +950k! Of course it takes time , but it is POSSIBLE !

If you REALLY want TGI - stop your roulette play and enroll... Lowering TGi system is only for the lazy ones... And as i see , coolahed , you are among them.
IF you enroll from 1 lvl 10 times and then win the fight - then up to 4 lvl you get +950k! Of course it takes time , but it is POSSIBLE !

That means that he needs to enroll around 5.000 times to get this much money. If he enrolled 10 times a day he would only need 500 days - that means 1 2/3 years. He would need to win 500 fights - impossible to avoid getting level 5 with the AP rule that will drain money from him. Of course you'll get more money at higher LG, but on the other hand you soon have to pay for artefacts - beside the fact that winning 500 fights in a row is pretty hard, too.

Your statement would be much better if it would come from someone like you that only have enrolled 587 times. Of course you have donated diamonds - thanks a lot for it - but I think that you are not a good example what someone can reach to get a TGI. You did only a 1/10 of enrolles that are needed to get that much money and you did win over 500 fights - but you are already level 6 - where the AP rule will drain your winnings.
for Arghmage:
I see , that you are judging others only by looking through their stats... That is bad position.

You did only a 1/10 of enrolles that are needed to get that much money and you did win over 500 fights - but you are already level 6 - where the AP rule will drain your winnings.
I agreed , but who said , that i want that TGI? I can live without it.

Ours work is to offer , yours - is to refuse. (c)
Sorry, I'm just saying that "Just spend 1.5 years in this game doing boring stuff, before you can doing something that is fun and you have a TGI." is a bad idea telling a newbie. No one is willing to invest this kind of work into a game, before he has played it for some time.

If this is the only way to get a TGI, than this game is really doomed.
If this is the only way to get a TGI, than this game is really doomed

Well , there are a lot of ways... It depends HOW do you harvest your gold : rent , smith , enchant , just enroll...
Why to get it so quickly?
From lv-ups of lv9 and lv13 you get around 300k free money (you don't have to use it for upgrading constructions, etc).
Get the TGI when you reach lv13, you get it by using those 300k, some MG-elemental-moneys and maybe some spare cash you've saved from enrolling.
Now someone says that you need all those elementals for making superb elemental weapons, etc...
Remember that TGI doesn't take that 1mil away, you get it back on TG5 (okay, It takes some time...) And if you get Thief Amulets, Daggers or Crossbows, you get some money from those too.
Why to get it so quickly?
And who said lowering the TG5 to TG2 or 3 and getting TGI back was so easy and quickly?

you still have to pay +1 million and 200k!!
How about you all vote and see who are higher!
And who said lowering the TG5 to TG2 or 3 and getting TGI back was so easy and quickly?

you still have to pay +1 million and 200k!!

1) To get 2 TG yo umust win 120 ambushes (it is about 2-3 full non-enchanted set from the shop). Of course , for different lvl are different prices and because of that better start at LOW lvl ( 6 is better , if you bought 2 up with diamonds ). Full set for 6 lvl is ~65k , 3 sets are about 195k!

2) When you rent a TGI from 1 person he can just give it to you and when you get 2 TG you return to him ( it is possible , if he is your friend or just close person ). Some take 15-20k per day , until you get 2 TG or he takes your TG arts per TG lvl and so on... On .ru is a record , 1 man did 120 ambushes in 1 day. Normal can do in 1 week , so it is 20*7 = you pay 140k for renting TGI. 140+200 = 340k , WHERE are 1.2kk?
How about you all vote and see who are higher!

I doubt you have admin`s approval to run any vote, so it would be just flood, therefore viable to ban. But you can sure discuss. Although I have seen more productive discussions about TGI prices, than "Hey, its impossible and unfair." and "Deal with it and dont cry."
2) When you rent a TGI from 1 person he can just give it to you and

Oh did i forget?? renting is FORBIDDEN!!
@coolahed - The simple fact is you can play this game without being a thief. At one point you could become a thief without using diamonds. It s near impossible to do that now. Live with it.

Before you do your normal rebuttal of throwing out a personal attak saying "I'm a thief, thus I must be selfish", I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying it's the way it is and it wont change. The devs have decided thief invites are a way they will get paid for making this game.
Oh did i forget?? renting is FORBIDDEN!!
...I was writing , BEFORE the grand-update...
you still have to pay +1 million and 200k!!

I wouldn't pay more than 800-900k ;) Guess why?
Because Thiefs don't have ANY use for their TGIs if someone doesn't buy them. If no-one buys them, that's it. Their prices will be lowered.
It's not been so long time when they were about 800k/each, now they are about 1mil. And that's probably because of those guys (such Darkelf64..) who buy TGI and sell them cheaper.
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