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AuthorIdea to balance TGI system
My idea-
Nobody should buy any TGI from market or forums till the market is flooded with 30+ TGIs XD
OR we get ONLY 1 TGI back at level 2 instead of 5 that would help bring back renting options again:)

Renting still forbidden... just we got TGI back at level 2
TGI price should get halved that's defined by market. when HWM will have another thieves event, you will see the TGI prices record here.
that would help bring back renting options again - which was never wanted by admins in the first place, they are very happy now the people spend real cash for TGI which really is a bankrupt guild in most of cases, but here on LWM it gets lots of sweet bonuses in selling arts and TGI from market heavily overpriced.
It's also not fair... - life is never fair, deal with it.
OR we get ONLY 1 TGI back at level 2 instead of 5 that would help bring back renting options again:)

Renting still forbidden... just we got TGI back at level 2
It's also not fair... - life is never fair, deal with

You say that because you are already a thief:)
I bet if you weren't a member your statment would be super duper different, which brings me to my points! SELHISHNESS!
wow coolahed making a thieves guild suggestion! such a suprise
for coolahed:
what you quoted exactly proves my point - as TGI aren't able for renting, they cost much more->more TGI for real money->profit. as the rules here and on HWM are the same, nobody would change them here just so you bought yourself a TGI.
I bet if you weren't a member your statement would be super duper different lol sure. we're all selfish (surprise!), and when i bought TGI for 335k i also thought - not fair! that's so expensive, just a month ago it was 220!
Thieves' guild: 0 (0)

There will be no Feebie! (c) Lexa

I dont know , when will be exactly that date , but will be anti-thief guild...Because of that TG "recruting" is halved...

So , -1.

At the moment the price for a TGI is 80 diamonds.
Wrong , you give diamonds and you DO NOT get TGI , but you just enter TG....

Not exactly true u get thief art for each thief lvl. U cant say its nothing ...
28 its the same and actualy even better becoz if it wasnt so rich players would have a easy money printing machine by selling TGIs on market instead of changing diamond for gold they would get 5x more gold by selling TGIs...
I'm pretty sure that the current TGI system is the best since there won't be any more cheatings and it DESERVES to be that costly !!!
You have to simple work hard to get a TGI !
GL dude
Easy for you to say...

Do u know what it means to enroll hard and get + 1 million gold??? it means IMPOSSIBLE! not all players can have the ability to collect that or be patient enough!
Your post would be taken a bit more seriously if you hadn't bought your TGI for less than a quarter of it's value now...I only went through your log to see if you bought your TGI before or after the update, but "since there won't be any more cheatings" seems kinda ironic coming from you ;)

I have one more idea to add to coolahed's original two. I'm sure this has already been proposed, but what do you guys think about being able to buy a TGI with the 80 diamonds? Not getting into Thieve's Guild, but getting a TGI. There would certainly be a few more TGIs floating around, but do you think that the market price would drop? Or would those who spent that amount of cash prefer to keep the prices as it is now?
not all players can have the ability to collect that or be patient enough!

Then I guess not all players can get a TGI.

The TGI is not a necessary part of the game. You can play the game quite happily without it.

If you feel the need for a TGI you can buy it with diamonds or save enough gold to purchase it.

Just because you are impatient is not really a reason to change the game as it currently stands. Otherwise we would have dozens, even hundreds of changes to the game every day, from all the impatient people that exist in this game.

You don't seem to want to buy one with diamonds, so you must learn to be patient. Wishing, complaining and hoping that things will change is unlikely to achieve what you want.

The TGI is not a necessary part of the game. You can play the game quite happily without it.

How can i be happy getting ambushed by thieves,losing my gold and getting a defeat record, AND how can i be happy facing players with high intiative cus of the TGI bonus so my army is slow and does not strike as fast?

And last but not least I readdressed my idea as the following:

everything stays the same just when you reach level 2 TG you get 1 TGI back and that's all! Renting is still forbiddden! I think that is fair enough cus once u buy your TGI u will be broke and need to sell your new TGI as soon as possible and TG5 is quite hard to reach so that's my new final idea:)

perhaps TG3 or even 4 but not TG5 O_o
maybe move prize to TG10 just in case, as coolahed still has a phantom chance to get a TGI and earn it back lol :)?
@coolahed. How can I be happy gettING crushed in PvP by someone who started a year before I did but is still my level as he just kept losing matches to get a huse FSP advantage, and enough money to have multiple 4 x10% arts?

The game is unfair. if you started early you have an advantage. Deal with it.
I thinks if you could collect gold from lvl 1 and not waste it on roulette you could get 1M while you are in lvl 5-7.BUt if you use full arts maybe its so hard to get it
It's not possible!
Case closed!

it explained why you will never save gold for TGI

roulette had eaten 200k gold for you..and now?you are so poor ..you should save up gold for TGI..but you do nothing and you whine more than you could


even my lv3 multi is richer than you

you failed
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