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high time for some PvP tournament


Authorhigh time for some PvP tournament
sorry for double post but I would like to do that unofficial thing in case it isnt available and the faction event woud be best appreciated and if dwarves are introduced it would be even better as I have a multi waiting on lvl 2 to be a dwarf all i would do with it until dwarves is about a hunt every week so plz send them soon its hard to wait(even though exams are around)
MINOR TOURNEY..... ive spent waaay too much time here on .com to start playing on ru from the scratch again......
MIXED is nice but takes waaaay too much time you have to wait for 5 people per move......... minor is much faster and cooler!!!!
1. Minor.
2. Mixed.
3. Survival. (but i dont care )
2vs2 could be cool :D

1. minor
2. mixed
3. Blind
1. minor
2. mixed
3. Blind

I wanna play them and it would be better if "CG" points are awarded with them..
any is ok but not survival :p

Mixed :D
we need more tourneys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every month at least one mixed, minor, or throne!
minor or mixed would be good
the throne tournament wasn't bad either
anything except survival
seriously we need at least 1 per month... and alot more advertising so more players will be here. i can hardly find anyone to pvp in cg with the whole day im online
i liked the ny throne battle i got 40000 xp in total when i was lvl6
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