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All about Necro faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Necro faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Who (faction & build) do you think would be a better pvp (2vs2) partner for a CL9 might necro?
or barb
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for Divit http://lgnd.ru/pt6/teams/9 it raiting of 2vs2 last tournament at 9level. It in russian, but understandeble. You can see that better partner for you is knight in "light" class. Good luck
I just reached Combat Level 8. Could some more experienced necromancers tell me where I should allocate the stat I earned on leveling up from 7 to 8?
Currently, I have 7 Attack, 2 Defence, 0 Spell Power and 5 Knowledge.
Also, what talents I should pick up to go along with my stats?
Are the answers to above two questions same for hunts, MG quests, Ranger Guild quests, tourneys, PVPs, etc.?
What are the paths I can go on and what are the advantages of each (like might, magic, anything else I don't know of)?
How should I recruit my troops?
Thanks. I would really appreciate any and all advice you can give :-)
Vitality, attack, and you might want to lose some knowledge unless you plan using spells. Max bows and vamps. Might want to get infected zombies if you can, they are useful
So, you mean to say that I should put my stat point on attack? What about spell power and defense?
What about the talents other than vitality? Which ones should I choose?
Yeah, I do plan on getting infected zombies. I just need to raise some gold.
Also, should I choose the magic route? What are the advantages and disadvantages of magic and might paths?
yes put it on attack. No sp unless you are planning on going magic anf your defense will come from arts, labors and vitality talent path. I have seen the magic route i dont really advise it. Decay is good but might is the best choice.
Yup, I agree I can get defense from arts, etc.. But, I was wondering if it will make sense for me to put +1 on SP instead of Attack. This is because I have 5 Mana already and I actually have been relying a lot on raises till now (I mean CL 7). Or is the magic route really not feasible in the future at higher levels? Can anyone share relevant experience in more detail please? :-)
Raises arent to be relied on, you lose more hp and and vulnerable to die again easier. You can go watch my combats for reference on tactics and such or just to see the power of might necro. I am the ultimate necro...
I am the ultimate necro...

Any person saying something like this is not to be taken seriously.
for aplifieddopenes:
Ok, soon as I level up duel me and you try to show everyone otherwise
Thanks @Lord-Started for your inputs :-)
Just want to know the inputs of some other experienced necros on what they think about might vs. magic builds. Also, would be interesting to know if there is a way to go the middle path (some sp + knowledge, rest attack) or should I just choose one extreme?
for shubhamgoyal:

You don't have much choice on level 8 due to low talent points.
I would advice to use the raise build until you get appartion(at lvl 9 with diamond if you can afford)
for shubhamgoyal:
Irrespcetive of faction,a hybrid build is only good at higher levels when you get enough points and talents to go hybrid.At your level,I advice you to either go might or magic.
@Fallen-Atheros - So, you advise putting the 1 stat on SP for now?
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