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AuthorAll about Necro faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Of course he can.Total mana cost is 30. he being lv.9 has 30 points.
oh my bad i took that question wrongly.

for Alexso
4-5 for knowledge and take 3-4 sp is enough, not use i am also trying it. for me 6 mana for rise dead ( fl 7)
So Now that The new Necro has arrived...can anyone tell me whether is it a good idea to change to unholy at level 8? I really like the new class except for the fact that we can only keep one of the following
45 ghouls
53 skele legs
21 ghosts

If we keep even one of them, then the recruit count of other 2 become 0. I dont have any experience with skele legs and although they have magic shield, large shield, shield allies but the fact that they cannot exceed the count of 53 ( that too by compromising ghosts and ghouls) reall blows! Can anyone advise me on how to play this alt? Also I guess I may be buying a potion of oblivion soon. How should I distribute my parameters?
Does soldiers luck effect lethargize?? I tried it out just to experiment and was surprised at how rarely it went off. I figured with 2 stacks of dreadlords and a phantom of them that I could keep most of the minotaurs asleep if I used soldiers luck. Not the case at all. Notice that my tiny stack of skeles had not problem getting stun to work.

i dont know about other levels but at level 13 unholy necro is incredibly weak lol...
Which talent should i go for at lvl 9
basic offence , battle fury , basic erediction or
advance fortune and basic nature magic or undeath or
whole nature magic talents
At level 9, it seems that Unholy necro (basic offense , battle fury , basic erudition) is much weaker than necro in ambush. I lost 7 ambushes in a row :)
What is the probability of triggering skel legs stun?
Any formula for it?
Playing alt nec without proper use of raise dead is like playing vanilla nec without skel bow

It hit nec the hardest, but you have to let go of the idea that our tier 1 unit is one of the main troop.
Alt nec's racial ability have absolutely nothing to do with skel leg, we can't pretend there's no difference.

When you tried to maximise it and not getting any result, that is a clear enough indication of that Skel leg are just too weak to ditch out any real damage (except maybe at cl5-7). Their various stats are more like a jack of all trades, master of none in the end.

Bring left over skel leg and stick them around your army, this will maximise the benefit of shield ally.
Bring some ghoul to last some hits, stick them around your enemy, this will maximise their contamination aura, -2 morale is useful regardless of combat lv.
I don't have money for them myself, but you might even max this along with vamp and lich instead of ghost since we don't have polt yet.

At cl8, we get 9 liches, that is a lot.
I took 5 knowledge, and dominion of life. That gives me 444hp raise (with only 2sp from artifact) costing 7 mana.
You guys will do even better with higher fl..

Raise is no longer obsolete, but they are still hard to use properly, try not to let any of your main stack get completely perished as this sets it back on the initiative scale. Then the enemy will get into a killing spree.
Fast army is inevitably a natural enemy, nec's troop is already slow, so the problem is 2 folds here.
Avoid elf, de, and demon in general

If you want offense talent at all, take battle fury only if you are taking ghouls over ghosts
Skel leg should be minimal unless you really got it to work, but I don't think anyone has achieved that
That's why if you really want to go offense, maybe try fortune instead, it'll help vamp and lich more as well

But I strongly suggest full nature at cl8, you can raise the whole damn stack of lich with 7mana or less.
And if you r not raising, you'll be wasp swarmin', you've already got expert nature from getting dom of life, your swarm stuns more than a barb

cl9 you can get full nature with dom of undeath
If you played alt nec without even trying what it racial ability is built for, you can't complain that it's weak
That's like saying you tried vanilla nec without skel bow and say it's weak, of course it will be weak.

on this page https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=32
at the bottom

the same formula applies for stun and dreadlord's sleep
They are damn good at 1v1...probably other forms of pvp too ;)

Ability triggering in alt-necro (malady-leg stun) has either an awful rate or i was unlucky 7 fights in a row at the insight tournament. Brilliant exception was the ghoul's -2 morale that generally caused enemy creatures to skip turn occasionally.

We need a new school of thinking to master alt-necro, since in order to master it, you got to completely erase old-school necro thinking.

Also unholy necro sounds awful and misleading. Change its name please :P
When you tried to maximise it and not getting any result, that is a clear enough indication of that Skel leg are just too weak to ditch out any real damage (except maybe at cl5-7). Their various stats are more like a jack of all trades, master of none in the end.

I think Skele legs are not too bad.. There number should be high since they not only have magic aura and large shield, they also deal as much damage as ghouls ( there att and min-max stats are same) plus they have +2 def and higher than ghouls but mainly because the unholy necro relies more on raise the dead. Once dead a necro with fsp 6 and expert nature magic and dom of pain can raise only 21 ghouls (that too at the back of the inititative bar and a creature like zombie will take forever to get its chance, probably will be dead before that) but all of the skele legs, and since now raising is not much of an issue thanks to their ability one can continoulsy raise skele legs. But I am not saying keeping more ghouls is bad, it is just that skele legs arent too bad themselves ;)
for blackdeathgr:
Ability triggering in alt-necro (malady-leg stun) has either an awful rate or i was unlucky I would say unlucky.
Ok, sure :)
I don't suppose anyone to have a solid build for alt nec at this stage,
so it's just experiments, trial and errors at this point :P

I'll test out advanced fortune build at cl8, it might fare better against faster enemy where raising just aren't quick enough, so your troop just have to be better at ditching out damage before they die
We need a new school of thinking to master alt-necro, since in order to master it, you got to completely erase old-school necro thinking.

strongly recommended


Should I upgrade my zombie to infected zombie?
Should I upgrade my zombie to infected zombie? infected are only good for hunting most of the MG monsters :) other than that they are useless.
so if you want to do more MG upg it. otherwise save money for feature upg
sorry for they typo i mean "otherwise save money for future upg "

A very long battle against a good alt necro player
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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