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No CG!!!


AuthorNo CG!!!
lvls 15 have problems to do 2v2
lvls 14 have the same problem

why dont we just play battlegroup 3vs3 14-15? like in old times when we were all 14
no cg points but easier to find players
or even 13-15 with no t7

we are not ready for cg fights at high levels imo
[Post deleted by moderator Kiz // repeat message, same as #84]
for Dan-Panic:
Easy, LG needed to be cut, to get the gold drained out of the game, to introduce a new economic system. Most if not all millionaires still refuse to spend their money, so I bet, in this lifetime, we will never see this new system.

Oh yeah, like I'm really gonna spend my gold on stupid CG Battles when my wages were cut so drastically! :-( Who's making those decisions? idiots? morons?

I'm hanging on to my gold since I can no longer ensure earning enough gold to supply my hero with the much needed artifacts for day-to-day battles (Hunts, Merc. Quests, Survival Tournaments, etc.) Restore our Wages NOW!

for arcanyx:
LG cut is definitely an issue related to this. Like many others have said, not many will part ways with their hard earned gold just to have a 2 hour battle with not even a guaranteed chance for a win

The Labor Guild wage cut is the single most important reason I (and my 2nd Character) will NEVER participate in Commander Guild Battles. The artifact cost is way too high, the rewards are too small, the long waits for opponents to join are boring and the cut in wages makes CG Battles NO FUN! CG Battles are too non-profitable to even think about participating in them.

RESTORE OUR WAGES! If you want people to participate in boring & expensive battles then why were our wages cut so drastically? :-(
for Zephyranna:

Im just quoting Arctic words, he said himself in the LG cut thread when the update came. Dont hit the messenger :P
No Dan, I'm not blaming you. Just the reasoning behind the LG cut. It's totally ridiculous.
I don't undertand how cuting wages can increvese CG battles?...

This should increvese wages to everyone get full arts and battle at CG...
The admin goal was to drain the gold from the server, that's why they introduce the LG-cut (decrease income) and CG battle (increase spending). IMHO, CG was meant to be an exclusive content, only people with a lot of money can play it. They will gain small benefit (new arts, new experience?) for quite a price, but it's supposed to be better than no benefit at all. Sadly, most of the players don't have the money / time for this (or maybe just don't want to part with their money), hence making it become hard to find opponent. This fact worsen the condition, making some people who's initially motivated to do CG to loose their motivation.

Just my $0.02 :p
ya first of all only few players are of level 9 or above
and 38 ap is more than full arts we must have perfect weapons
the pendant of dispair instead of amulet of luck and many more
there must be a min. arts battle in cg if possible many player will join as they get cheated some times in gb because some join full arts
@dedengkot i didn't understand u!!
I read this topic and discovered that many people here don't understand meaning of Commanders Guild.

There was a problem with small ammount of PvP battles in this server(especially on the high levels).
1) don't like PvP battles
2) not good exp/fsp ratio
3) "useless" of battles(you don't recieve gold, artifacts or points for stats improvments)
3) want to fight in full arts(more balanced battles), but don't have enought money
4) for Group Battles - hate description violators(who enter in full arts in min AP battle or vice versa)

In the order of solving of this problem Admins introduced CG.
CG battles have some benefits:
1) bonus to skill points => better exp/fsp ratio
2) strict requirements for differents types of battles => no AP violators(especially good for GB)
3) points system:
- 1 level of CG: random tactician artifact, chance to recieve copy of enemy artifact after victorious PvP battle(durability [5/5], for example you can use it in your min AP set)
- 2 level of CG: random tactician artifact, +1 stat point(like in MG)
- 3 level of CG: random tactician artifact, chance to recieve random artifact after victorious PvE battle(durability [5/5] or [7/7], i don't know exactly)
- 4 level of CG: random tactician artifact, +1 stat point
So CG battles are not such useless as ordinary battles.

CG is a perfect guild for those who want to have fun in full arted PvP battles(people who prefer min AP battles can continue to fight in min AP).
We have only one big problem with CG now: small ammount of participants(more people = more excitement and fun). And I don't see the fatal problem with LG cut, any average active player can collect money for 1-2 CG battles per day. PS. Its very funny to see one person with over than 1 600 000 gold who whine that she doesn't have enought money for CG battles :)
Im really willing to visit CG. But every time I try to fight I see nobody playing there. Only 1 decision I see is to create clan to fight in CG.

Id like to join such clan
Id like to join such clan

See: #268 Respect of freedom
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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