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All about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy et cetera


AuthorAll about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy et cetera

Without gobs +1 hp. They could increase +1 ogre on count.
Total dmg output will be: 196,75, total hp will be 817. Now that's really close to the perfect.

That's it. Simple and faster.
for Lycanthrope:
Well I am not saying that shadow are the best
They are better balanced as compared to fury.(Except the need confusion and weakness spells and maybe reduce some ogres for boars,rocs or some thing else cause ogres are too damn slow:/)
And for fury, I admit it, they are a complete mess.
The talent wheel in not balanced(as you said, luck is way cheap but defense is more expensive, should be other way round), recruiting is not even close to be deemed playable. And thus damage output is also low.
Fury desperately needs balancing.
As for shadow ,they just need confusion and weakness, and a very little balance between ogres and other troops. Otherwise they are quite playable factions. In fact some guy got 1st place in last minor tournament with shadow barb on level 15 I guess?
Shadow barb, got pretty good talents cost, that will contribute to make a excellent build.

They don't need many orcs, nor goblins, that adds more recruitment...
Overall they need a little more improvement, but they're playable. Fury is not.
They don't need many orcs, nor goblins
Agreed, but reduced ogres for more boars or birds would do well:)

they're playable. Fury is not.
Couldn't agree more :)
How is poisoner shadow barb at lv10? SB has a lot of meat with 35 OGRES!, 12 Rocs, 22 orcs, 8 goblins.
it is useful, especially in everyone for oneself battle, where nobody targets ogres till the last, and rage + spirit make ogres a surviving machine.

In this battle, i came secon, while i could have clearly come first #PoorPlay
PS: my talents werent the best for ths battle, was confuesd. so, if anyone could suggest some better talent combination.

So, what are your thoughts on this poisoner build for shadow barb?
I am not sure about effectivity of poisoner build at highier levels. Damage from decay is not so big and players have more units (= a lot of hit points). Effectivity of mass decay can be avoided with good units placement too.

But try it and you will see. Shadow barbarian has cheap dark magic talents, so you can take erudition too and boost spell power a bit for more effective decay.
for thedarkdevil:
I am personally a might fan so I go advanced leadership + innate swiftness
and max boars and rocs for super rush type of play
you can check my setup. Decay build I haven't tried it and probably never will. It is total failure against necros knights and dwarfs
Well, ogres needs a build with mass delay, so they can attack 1:1 per turn, or maybe 1:1,5. Delay overall reduces decay effectiveness, because it's not work based on how many turns this units has reached, instead it's based on initiative...
If a unit has a high initiative could take more than 1 decay damage on the same turn, low initiative will lead to skip some turns damage, decreasing the total dmg output.

I think the best faction to use poison are necromancers, cause of their high hp.
Shadow barb and DD demons also could try, for Dark elvens will be a kind of stupid idea...

So, if with ogres delay could be better, so you can attack on same ratio per turn, if you trigger morale you can even attack twice per turn, depending of the stack of course. Also the less attacks you receive, more spirit you'll hold, so delay is very recommended for them.

Since, you're with delay + confusion, the best combination is finish with curse + weakness. Both works just great with delay/confusion, and also will help to save your spirit.

Rest of points, increase your leadership. (You don't actually need both dominions of mind and curses, you just need to pick one, but for a additional cost of 6 talent points, plus 0.5 turn to cast mass darkness... It definitely worth to pick both.)

So Overall, with poison you'll left your units vulnerable to die, and will make delay not a good option, curse + pain, for a necromancer faction is great, but for barb, doesn't sounds that great...
Better go for curse + mind.
on my level decay barb is a joke:)

its a sure loss :D
for _1rip1_: darkdevil is my brother, and my post on the previous page about innate swiftness was actually his strategy. i just posted it in the forum. he implemented it for all of lv 9.
he is probabily not going with that build because he wants to use his new
orc upgrades.
for Anony-mouse:
I didn't know that:p
anyways its a lot of help for level 10 as well
full might + 20 odd mana for disruption
for _1rip1_:
seems like it. quite good

For rest:
What is the best setup for lv10 in EOFO battles?
I sense a change in regular barb recruiting

everybody has it or just a bug?
Yes, look like shadow and fury barbarian has got more units, a lot more units. "Normal" barbarian has same recruit.
Lv 10 shadow

No Total change for current recruit count
The change in effect is thus the maximal limit for some recruiting.
lvl 10 classic barb count increased slightly...
for Gaviena:
Yes maximum recruitable count has been changed to give some more flexability
hobs from 137 to 140,+1 chiefs which is compensated for an ogre.
But total count same
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