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Author | idea's about factories |
The post about shortend worktimes got me thinking about factories in general, and so i put some idea's down here.
1) player owned factories
to buy one, you will need quite some cash ammount etc, but then you can start your own factory where you can decide what to make.
you can make home created artifacts by developing a certain range of options and the used materials for an attribute, just a bit like wizard miniartifacts.
say, + 1 defence -> 1 steel, 1 ore/ wood
+ 2 defence -> 1 steel, 1 nickel
+ 1 Spell power -> 1 magic dust | hell, pressed tab enter,
anyway, with some sort of formulae you can make up your own type of artifacts, where the forumlae will deduct working hours and necessary exp level.
the durability of the end produkt will be dependant on the labor level of the workers (thus higler laborlevel will not produce more an hour, but something better (this will remain like is for machinging and mining, ye cannot mine a better quality crystal for example).
also, the higher bonusses could also need stuff like the merc guild elements.
this way, the mining and machining factories will stay with empire (who will profide his maching factories with materials himself automaticaly), but the produktion factories will become private property.
what will this mean?
- Empire buildings will always have a market for their goods
- a lot more variety in artifacts, a nice way of making the economy work, you are owner so you can set the price.
you can aim for quality by setting labor guild 4 as a minimum to work there (and set the wages at a level those lvl 4's will come to) and thus have high durability stuff, but for more wage cost)
you can aim to take over a concurrent by making something cheaper, or whatever.
you can switch produktion item once every 24 hours, hoewever, all halfway finished produkt is lost.
so what will this do?
the economy will work,
the variety of artifacts is limitless
high level labor is more rewarding
merc guild elements can be nice way to make cash |
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