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AuthorImprove Tavern Game
atm, tavern game sucks. Its completely random and you win simply because of luck. We got the roulette for that. Any person may lose the game it doesnt matter what level you are, you still get beaten by level 0 who got lucky with the draw.

So i suggest to make it better, sell some cards. Players are able to purchase cards. Cards strength/ability varies. Players can only purchase certain cards at a certain level. Let's say players start with a deck of 50 cards. As their level increases let them be able to buy some stronger cards.
thats why they call it gambeling. =) so disagree with you.
besides you don't have to play it.
and if u buy stuff its like yu-gi-oo or wuteva u spell it, its an idea of fun to most.
players start with 1 deck of 50 cards.

gambling guild
Lvl 3 - able to purchase +5 cards (like +5 to tower/walls, 5 dmg to enemy walls/towers) and +1 to resources cards
Lvl 4 - able to purchase +6 to +10 cards and +2 resources cards
Lvl 5 - Deck increases by 10 cards. able to purchase +11 to +15 cards and +3 resources cards

and so on and so forth

if you do this improvement, you must also improve the rules. Like winning condition should not be random. The higher the level, the higher the winning conditions.

Note: Decks can increase in size, but you can only bring maximum of 50 per game.
ohh i get you but its the way the admids made it they could improve a bit but there busier than you can imagine.
so yyou may have to wait if we do this.
Winning conditions aren't random. They differ in various map location, but are the same in one location. So, you should find region where conditions suit your stile best and play there.
yeah, but cards are random. I once lost a game where i had a huge tower lead. 142 to 93. And he didnt even brought my tower down.
Sorry - me no like these ideas.

Nice to have a dark smoky background to improve the mood and bring wall size victories into it maybe - the higher your level the higher the demands on resources

Could try a competition if you like? Large numbers play

Also might be good to have gamblers' guild rewards = luck and morale incr
I agree this area could use some sprucing up. It doesn't need to be incredibly complex, but I would love the ability to build my own deck. There will always be an element of luck, and that's great, but deck building would allow strategy to have a greater impact.

I would advise against making it all about who can buy the best cards. I wouldn't mind some disparity, but a poor player should have at least a fighting chance against a rich one.

Just my 2 cents. :)
Maybe they could add a card game instead of changing the existing one (which I enjoy).

Anyone up for a game of pazaak?
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