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AuthorChange from Necro to Demon?
Hey everyone.

I just started playing, and I love the game. Trouble is, I;m not sure Necro is the right class for me. For one, the skellies die too quickly, and my zombies move like they have concrete feet.

So, as soon as my account turns 24 hours old, I plan on changing class, but I'm not entirely sure to what. I think I might prefer Demons more, but I would prefer a little advice before I continue.
Elves are excellent for beginners!
Knights aswell!
Use elves there the most overpowering race from level 3-8
What stratagey is there when using elves?
just attack at first with keepers on lvl 1-2 and on level 3-4 def your bowmen than is the only thing that can beat u a necro like me =p
i dont know why all say elves are overpowered i am necro when i was lvl 3 i bet levle 3-4 elves and now at the moment sometimes i loose sometimes i win
Most players are elves and knights, because they have good ranged creatures at the beginning. It is rather easy to win with them. Necros are considered to be one of a strong race too though. You need a little bit more skill to play with demon, barbarian, dark elf or wizard.
people say elves are overpowered because they never bother to think of a strategy to beat elves...if you were to spend some time to think of a strategy you will find that elves actually are quite balanced...
ofcourse there is a way to beat all the races, but the problem lies in group battles where if you don't kill the elf straight away he will just rain hell down on you throughout the game.
when you change from necro to demon you got +1 in knowlegde and it is verry helpful for level 5 when you got magic guild = you get more mana
magi, rule hwm world... look for forum on hwm.ru...their are powerfull on high levels...
for DaimlerCobb:
To be powerfull they need full triple mini-artifacts.. this cost more then 1000000 gold
elves are a good choice because they have high initiative and can move fast
for beginner elves are better. demons, imho, hardest faction for beginners(but it not means that they are more weak=))
actually, demons are pretty easy to play at level 4. Simply have a few imp stacks and start gating. I had a pretty good example somewhere(guy had 4 gates right in front of my arches in a group game), but I lost it somewhere
i was knight for tutorial cause of ranged units they have the only ranged units at lvl 1-2 so are feared at that lvl but elves pack a punched from lvl 3+ so go knight until lvl 3 then at lvl 3 change to either elf or necro and itll be easy but elves are rubbish against barbs on lvl 3
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