Author | #128 Protectors of Light |
The Protectors of Light need recruits
the coditions of joining the guild are
Combat Level 3
500 gold for invitation
Must be alligned with good
Clan Rules
Follow the rules of the site
Weekly tax of 100 gold levels 3-4
200 gold levels 5-6
300 gold levels 7-8 etc(This excludes clan members with roles such as leader, blacksmith, enchanter etc)payable on Mondays
Now to apply transfer to me 500gold with the message Clan joining fee along with your native country. |
will join but need 16 gold |
i have resouces just private mail me if i can join |
I still need people of level 6 or higher who can do enchanting and repairing for the guild which will be paid with the guild funds and remember if you hold these roles you don't have to pay the guild tax |
Join this clan, remember still locking for blacksmiths to repair artifacts and echanters to modify artifacts |
Remember to join this clan all you have to do is transfer 500 gold to me and wait for me to send invire then accept |
A weaponsmith and blacksmith has been found, now we are still locking for the other 2 types of enchanters, remember just transfer me the 500 gold with description clan invitation fee so I can send you an invite |
bad ((
I would be a nice a weaponsmith and blacksmith ((( |
We are still looking for new members,just go to my profile, checdk out the clan and if you like, then send me the 500 gold with the description clan entrance fee for me to send ya an invite so you can join us |
Come on the Protectors of Light need more recruits, we need you so remember to join this clan all ya have to do is send me the 500 gold with the description clan entrance fee for me to send ya an invite so you can join us |