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Authori have a very nasty stalker
this is just some of the pms i can show you as some to rude to put on site
this player then followed me to a battle and started again
someone please stop him

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Date: 2008-07-04 07:34:33

From: trelaras

To: Nagash101

Subject: Re(8):

u r the loser

but, it's ok, i will find u in the group battles again

and then... u'll see, mtf



History: Date: 2008-07-04 07:32:04

From: Nagash101

To: trelaras

Subject: Re(7):


Date: 2008-07-04 07:22:14

From: trelaras

To: Nagash101

Subject: Re(6):

let's battle to see who is the loser, pussy

Date: 2008-07-04 07:21:38

From: Nagash101

To: trelaras

Subject: Re(5):


Date: 2008-07-04 07:20:03

From: trelaras

To: Nagash101

Subject: Re(4):

u r a freak
not me

u idiot noob

u've got no idea of strategy

what r u afraid of?? poor chicken

c'mon, what's wrong?
can't u battle a WEIRD elf??
u f***ing idiot

Date: 2008-07-04 07:16:35

From: Nagash101

To: trelaras

Subject: Re(3):

oi trelaras dont alk to her like that if u keep it up i will make sure ur banned
Nagash, forward the message to this person "Secretary" . He will ban him
in my opinion... ban em both.. both have thrown profane words at each other
kingochennai as i explained this is the end of 4 hours of him stalking me and the worst profanity he used i will not put here as noone should ever have to put up with that so you think that its ok for him to follow me everwhere for over 4 hour and constantly abuse me shame on you
look nagash... ur case is a typical example of 'u punch me - i punch u'... so u guys are even.. he followed u for a while in the game.. so wat ?? r u gonna put a legal suit or a restraining order on him ? NO.. this is a game.. so be sportive and laugh it off.

in my eyes, u both are even.
so, dear nagash, except for being a loser, u r a good liar, as well

let me express my own view of this whole situation:

we played a 3v3 and i told to her team that they won just because they were lucky and i sent her this message

# Date: 2008-07-04 06:51:40
# From: trelaras
# To: Nagash101
# Subject:

i want a PVP battle

u can use arts, effects and whatever u like

and she answered

# Date: 2008-07-04 06:54:39
# From: Nagash101
# To: trelaras
# Subject: Re:

why you play werid

# Date: 2008-07-04 06:55:16
# From: trelaras
# To: Nagash101
# Subject: Re(2):


# Date: 2008-07-04 06:57:31
# From: Nagash101
# To: trelaras
# Subject: Re(3):


i asked her why does she think that i am weird and she didn't answer, so i asked her, POLITELY, again if she could answer my question then....

# Date: 2008-07-04 07:08:49
# From: trelaras
# To: Nagash101
# Subject:

could u pls answer my question?

# Date: 2008-07-04 07:14:59
# From: Nagash101
# To: trelaras
# Subject: Re:

why in what way do i owe you anything

SHE started offending me

# Date: 2008-07-04 07:15:55
# From: trelaras
# To: Nagash101
# Subject: Re(2):

ok, do u want a duel in order to see who is weird?

THAT was my answer.
have i done sth that is not allowed??

# Date: 2008-07-04 07:16:35
# From: Nagash101
# To: trelaras
# Subject: Re(3):


that's the message she sent me after that

# Date: 2008-07-04 07:20:03
# From: trelaras
# To: Nagash101
# Subject: Re(4):

u r a freak
not me

u idiot noob

u've got no idea of strategy

what r u afraid of?? poor chicken

c'mon, what's wrong?
can't u battle a WEIRD elf??
u f***ing idiot

and that was my answer...

u know the rest of the dialogue

and i got into a battle she was playing, BUT i didn't talk to her or say anything referring to her name or nickname

Now, dear admin or whoever else "judges" those events, let me ask u sth:

is it weird, bad or illegal to attend other battles, just to gain experience, as your strategy is concerned??

if it is, then I myself will delete this account

if not, explain her the reason in order to understand it

that's all i had to say
and who started offending the other first??? >:(
trelaras should i show all the insults you sent me ?
or do you want to grow up and admit what you did was uncalled for and wrong
nice edit of those pms to they tell yet more of you twisted lies
i have no time for anymore of your sick fantasys
you did follow me to a battle and you did talk to me and continue you foolish games i have 4 people that were there
so grow up
you made this mess deal with it
i won't admit any of your lies...

if someone of the administrators wants my code and nickname in order to see my messages, then i will willingly give them to them...

So, dear administrator, do me this favor pls, pm me and i will send u my password in order to get into my account and see all of my pms

as you'll see, i haven't deleted any of them

i am waiting for PM
lol hahahah girls are not lyers trelas so just admit it
thanks bloodlust135 and bevan
i am sorry you had to deal with this as it wasnt ever warranted
i just hope trelaras can get over this problem he has with women
and i wish him all the best at the treatment of his problem and rage
please get some help it will make ya better
I was watching a battle where trelaras turned up to harass Nagash101, and was asked to leave so I would have to believe that this player has oversteped the rules of this site by intentionly harassing another member, please take action.
could u pls give the administrators the url of this battle??

i've got no problem with women
i've got problem with the sort of women like u dear nagash

i won't continue this completely useless discution any more
if u have proofs, show them
if u don't, then i won't take u seriously

have a good sleep an maybe your nerves will relax

good night everybody
i'm trelaras, but this moment i am on holidays and this character is of a friend of mine, so if u want sth from trelaras, just send me message to this character, ok?

OMG u again kollhmenos....stop harrasing people will ya? start to grow up
in fact, kollhmeno's messages were written by me dear xx2...
so, nagash, demon_chick, bloodlust and bevan belong to the same clan

no wonder why they support each other...
well, i found some proof, unfortunately for u nagash

watch this battle from the beginning and see who insulted the other first


u can't lie any more nagash xD
dear xx2, i am not harassing u....

if i was right ur chars will be deleted or blocked

if i was not nothing will happen

so, there is no need for u to be angry :)

i gave them our battles url

now let THEM judge if u r "guilty" or not

from now on it has nothing to do with me...

have a nice day :D
this is silly, you guys should stop talking before you both get banned...
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