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AuthorInitiative LOL
in 9/10 battles there will be ranged units,and it is not uncommon to see 2 elfes on same team or elf and barbarian, or any other purely ranged classes combo, what this does is just a battle for initiative and if u loose the initial initiative roll, u have lost the battle.
You might say i am over simplifying the situation. but playing as elf find i find it impossible to go in a team battle lately if i dont have another ranged class on my team and are against another team that doesnt have ranged units. and this is just not fair.
Because if u think about it, when people see two ranged classes teaming up, no non ranged class (say demon pre lv 5)
will join that battle, and then you end up fighting other ranged classes anyway, and the fight for initiative continues.

well just wear +init artifact you say.
well this would be well and great if initiative wasnt so random, i mean even decked out in +7 initiative or something silly like that, you will still not win you more than maybe 50% of battles and rest is LUCK, ill say that again for emphasiss, LUCK.

if i want to gamble ill go on the roulette. but when i want to battle, i want it to be somewhat related to skill and not just a "who rolls higher init this time" game.

so Admins i ask you to kindly fix this problem,something is clearly broken.
You could still win if you're a little behind on the init bar. I have done so in the past. Granted, it's near impossible if all his ranged units go before you, but it's still not quite impossible.
well, a better example on what you say was more than 1 elf in other team but your team have no elf.

so, you will see how your units die slowly without any chance to move in 1st round. or even worse, a few favored or critical shots and say bye bye to your troops.

when the turn come to you, i think you only left a few units LMAO well, it already show you will lose that fight at most of time.

initiative artifacts wont help you much if the elf use initiative artifacts too. elf will still have the 1st shot :)
i really hate the elfs i say the elfs should not be a faction because they get all good stuff like
druids and elven bowmen

they get good luck alot

there units are faster then most of urs
that is why i say they shouldnt be a faction
elves have weaknesses.

first, druids can only use lightning 2 times, and then those weak green shots come in. druids even run out of shots, like in this LONG battle against draconlord

LOL ''druids can only use lightning 2 times'' poor them!

Hey destroyer, Druids are the only tier 4 creatures that casts spells that you will see at 8th hero level, so please make silence.
They should have only one spell, and that should be magic punch, exactly like magi.
And they have two spells stoneskin as well, which when used on faeries or keepers can compensate for any weakness in defence of these units.
I dont think its impossible to beat the elves, i'm at lvl 5 and i find myself beating elves in group battles, or in a everyman for himself battle, if an elf is right next to me i go straight for him.

Though it is hard to beat elves in a 1v1.Ogres are quite slow but when they reach the end they can pound druids into dust.

The trick is to watch how other players do it and copy them.
why you all want to defeat elves on 5th level? there are other levels }}
4 things.

1) As it has been stated over and over again, the Adm's have set the standard for ALL UNITS, not for example just level 5. The factions are considered with all their troops (so for example elves with every unit from faerie to treefolk). Any hardship you face now will be compensated later on.
2) Just to continue that thought. Shrews (upgraded Rogues) receive incredible range, are high on the initiative chart, and have no retaliation. I'm sure they can do some damage to any elven range. Also, I'm sure there will be reports of "unfair faction" for these soon enough.
3) Also well known is the level range theory. This being that certain factions tend to be better during certain levels. Elves just happen to be one of the stronger factions at medium levels, but this will pan out.
4) Just a thought, but I never hear anyone comment on here saying, "The factions are good! My strategy is the problem." Which more than likely is the case.
indeed shrews are really really scary.... with +1 speed in talent they can reach the entire battle field row and no retaliation :)
lol ok im scared of the shrews but they are not invincible nor is the elves. Elves can be beat if you play with strategy though it would be coniderably much harder than any other faction i know because of double shot and the druids highish HP and also being ranged...
totally agree. I have just become level 6 DE in .ru and I adore my precious shrews } they enrich your tactics so much. as a level 5 DE I have had hard times and now shrews makes the difference. it's true that they usually survive 3-4 turns but geez what they are capable of in these 3-4 turns :o)

pure statistic - 2 battles in the tournament with level 6 elves (both with +3 luck) and 2 wins. can't say the same about necros though... (btw +3 luck is a very nasty thing)

Viva La Furias :}
you get shrews at level 6? i ain't seen anyone with them here though...
you can buy the upgrade earlier for 25 brilliants = 25$. this is the first and the las time I put real money in a game but georgeous srews deserved it }
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