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Author#119 "New Elite" - Cool and serious Clan
What happened to all the clan gold?
for grotto512:
check his transfer log
Cepionis, you're not yet tired? I have no mult, you can not understand and accept? Or do you want Administration do not trust? Lexa has my IP checked and nothing suspicious found ...

P.S. Because you do not want to Accept, I give you an advice: You may not use elements that you get searched. And others say it also)
the point is not in accepting something...
when some chars with 100 points of HG and 1000 points of LG will start to use my service, Lexa will find nothing suspicious in my logs too =)

thx for idea
then do it ... Have fun...8)
we have a clan named the Warden and Warlord is a member of the Warden and now that warlord has closed new elite i would like to revive it by re-groping the ex NEW ELITE Clan mates and we become as strong as we once used to be so all who want to join send Kuramathefox or Tyrisia a pm and send us 500 gold recruitment fee and there are no tax and there is an armory and repair smith and enchanters
Guys, let's stop fighting, ok? The reason we play this game is to enjoy ourselves. :)

For old clanmates of New Elite, as I said in my clan forum, you are welcome to join our clan, #136 Dragon Heroes. You deserve a good clan.

Plz check our clan page for detail, and pm me for joining. thx!

not many people will join your caln i presume
as commander is a member, and most new elite members dont really like him.
we are not fighting, we just hate cheaters, especially when they are friends of mods and so get away with it.

to commander:
working from 2 ip adresses is not that difficult, anyone who nows how a remote proxy works can do that, all mods know you are transfering between 2 accounts, cause no one will only do hunts and labour and buy elemenent for enchant and then sell again.
just keep living in your lousy cheaters life, i dont mind
just to bad everyone got a little good bye present, but i did not, lost my tax advance too. Any ex members who got some elements from the clan would be nice to send me some too
the clan is closed no offense
Ex- New Elite are most weclome to join Sg_Heroes

Clan Page : http://www.heroeswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7151

Sg_Heroes is a Clan of :

-No tax
-cheap repair service
-Thief invitation renting
-Anti Afk
-Item Loan
please join the Warden we will take our revenge for the NEW ELITE ON Commander and all those who support them , I PROMISE I WILL SEE TO IT THAT NEW ELITE IS AVENGED AND I DECLARE FEUD AGAINST 136 Dragon Heroes and i promise that i will make a clan just as good as NEW ELITE those who want to regroup send me Tyrisia or Set_Sveta
i have 2 say tho i really dont like dragon heroes now

I prefer not joining any clan with "Heroes Of Uncaught Cheater", thank you
kuramathefox, how many times do you want I state? I did nothing against New Elite, and I was trying to help Warlord solve the issue yesterday.

If you must make our clan as your enemy, we have no fear.

If you try to use "I PROMISE I WILL SEE TO IT THAT NEW ELITE IS AVENGED AND I DECLARE FEUD AGAINST 136 Dragon Heroes" to attract old clanmates of New Elite to join your clan, I guess not many players want to be involved in this nightmare again. Warlord closed his clan, what the clanmates (except a few players)get?

I guess a lot of players have the same thought as me:
The past is past. Let's play the game peacefully, and enjoy the fun.
Well, first I respect Warlord for doing great for his clan so far to grow as a strangest clan in this game although I'm not a member of NE.

And I'm totally agreed with Cepionis, everyone who have knowledge in this sector can easily remote the IP. As kiwi said, no one did such thing like the multi of Commander.

for binghuo, I think Warlord's suggestion to ask you evict Commander from your clan is not really useful because he is still can cheat without a clan. Doesn't mean to offense you or your clan, but the God will know what he is doing.

Personally I won't critic a clan but a player.
Warlord is an egocentric...idk how to say it without insulting...not a smart person, basicly
The topic is about reqruiting in the clan.
Clan doesn't function any more.
So there is nothing to speak about there.
closed by Erlemar (2008-10-18 10:26:01)
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