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Authortrying to thow a hunt
Odyn teamed up with me on a hunt,he wanted half the money.No one has ever payed me to help them on a hunt so therefor I dont pay either.He only helped when his recruits were attacked.I know there is a rule against this sort of thing,trying to get someone else killed for personal gain

Some did give u half.

Thats some kind of unwritten rule that if someone helps u u should give them half the gold. I always tell people I help I dont want any gold. And I only ask assists from heroes buddies.
i agree. it's just like sayin thanks for the help
im no giving half my gold away no one ever gives me any for an assist,besides i only got 84 gold
hunt assists are as they say, hunt ASSISTS so why want money from a battle where you are clearly supposed to assist someone?
my point of view is that you should share money for hunting, cause it`s like in real life.if you need someone, a professional who can solve your problem or helps you and you pay him money for his job. here`s the same situation. 0.25 skillpoints is a very little prize for my time and for my troops. it is not forbidden not to share money and it`s not forbidden not to help in hunt :)
so if you dont share money with me, there will be very little help or no help at all.
fine Odyn dont join any of my hunts then,you get nothing and I'll get it all.if i shared all the money i get from hunting id be broke unlike alot of people here whop are so clearly cheating yet ADMIN chooses to do nothing about it
1. Theres no rule you have to pay 50% of your hunting money
2. If you don't want to just simply say you don't for help.
3. Admins don't have to do anytihng about this because it's a tradition and if you want to follow it is up to you

:) I wonder why people make a big fuss about this.
closed by Lexa (2008-07-13 22:30:19)
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