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AuthorSwitch Elven Bowmen and Orcs
Barbarian are supposed to be All out offense with little or no defense right? Why is it that Orcs have the highest hp and 2nd in numbers of the ranged units? When compaired to Elven Bowmen, who have the highest damage and lowest defense? Shouldn't these be switched so that both of the units fit with the theme of the other units of thier faction? I was just wondering why it was done this way.
then elven bowmen should have the higher initiative and yes i totally agree to it
maybe because barbarians are meant to be stronger melee than ranged,
they still need some defence,
orcs are still strong in melee and do a good job with bloodlust,
elven bowmen would be considered as unworthy wimps by other troops
because they all fall K.O. at the first gentle slap so barbarians couldnt be able to go full offence because they would need to stay and keep protecting them.
(elven bowmen defence 1 and hp10 : all the lowest for third tier creatures).
orcs are natural neighbours of goblins their alignement is closer
also i just forgot elves cant smell ogres ! : P
If elven bowmen got more intiative that would be completely unfair, since they are an extremely powerful shooter. If they always shot first, other factions ranged units would be worthless. Elves are good enough as is.
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