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AuthorBattle problems
bloods_fly[5] vs Drakkon[5]
I cant seem to mark the fight so Admin will have to look it up.These guys came in and started talking and made me lose concentration on match
This is the battle that it took place in.I did not ask these people to join in my fight I did not want them there,I asked them to speak English several take which they ignored.Please do something about these people
ur last word :)
i would like to unerline the word ALL OF YOU FOE

so finnally u admit that we are not clone right ?
its impossible for us to join that chat in d same time right ?
we do not meant to abuse u or something like that..
We just want to prove that we are not clone..

So Moral of d story :
Please, be very2 careful when complaining to admin, a false accusation may damage other player credibility.
And in fact, some of us have experienced inconevenient abuse by other player who read ur false accusation.
If we want, we can offend you back with d fact that u are making a false accusation against all of us.
but fortunately, we are here to have fun by playing this game
So lets end this nonsense and star doing some merc quest
and start the clan war !!!
1.6 The official game language is English.

Nevermind if the accusations were true or false, i think you were trying to make him lose his calm and insult you, just to report him. He didn't fall in the trap.

What you don't understand is that your logs can make people think that you are cheaters, so they report you. It's not an accusation, just an indication for admins so they can verify. Let them decide and if you're innocent, then it's great for you. But stop bothering people during fight, and don't forget the rules : you MUST speak english in the forum and in the battle chat.
i have -2 luck when the game frezze or lag. its not my fault .why i have -2 . pls make some action for this..
when the fight (hunter assistance)...is already starting to play.. the game lag. and it give me -2 luck.. its not fair..
People who interfere in your battle are indonesian,
and yes, they are doing it to make you lose your concentration.

I'm and indonesian also, and i understood what they are talking about.

For indonesian player who are involved in that battle chat,
Plz don't do it again...
What is your purpose to annoy people who wants to have fun in this game ?
i have a group battle lately.. and Im sabotage by ftblislife and lll12.

empire1, Idomeneus and BibleBable win easily because Im only one . its so awful very bad.

and still i get less experience and skill points than the other one who sabotage and left first.. pls make for action for my complain. make them pay all.
hoho, me again!!!! player who from this clan #121 Kingdom of Hearts mostly are Indonesian and have a very bad attitude. this person {ComArthur} was asking for a hunt assist but he goes into AFK (not by the server disconnect but he said "he want to test for disconnect"), and i was like a stupid fellow who wait him for 5 turns, its wasting my time. If you want to watch the show again, here is the warid : 2129681.
closed by Lexa (2008-08-26 20:08:31)
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