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Hunter's Assistance

AuthorHunter's Assistance
I've done 2 assistances when it comes to hunting... The person who asked for help gets his full xp bonus, money and skill points while the assistant gets nearly nothing... shouldn't be shared 50/50 or something to that affect or why else help?
Well, the rules say that it has to be that way, so it's not a problem. But I agree with the idea and this post should be moved in ideas & suggestions, no ? Any MODs here ?
how do we make a hunters assistance
somebody please tell me how to make a hunters assistance
rojam, iam totally on your side, the helper should get atleast a percentage of the gold and Exp too depending on how much damage he deals in the battle.

Jhonny, you need to have level 2 or 3 in hunters guild if iam not misstaken.
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