Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->
Author | Thief |
I would like to make a serious suggestion.
Having just reached level 8, I was looking forward to increasing my Thief Guild skill level.
After a couple of ambushes involving level 6 players, I am dismayed at the sheer number of Monks they are awarded.
1st had 31 Monks, 2nd had 25 Monks.
100% guarantee of failure by the level 8 player unless the one getting ambushed is afk.
Reduce the number of Monks given to assist the lower players who get ambushed.
Monks are arguably the best level 8 creature, with large HP and very good attack and defense, ranged shooter and without any melee penalty.
Way, way too powerful for a level 8 player to handle in such quantities. | don't be why don't you stop stealing of people..that may help :) | 1
You must use artifacts to win | #2 are you kidding? :-)
how can a thief stop stealing?
#3 yes, artifacts rules!!! especially level 7 arts, but very costy | Yes, I finally beat a level 6 who was gifted 21 monks.
My arts are currently in for repairs :( |
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