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AuthorThe most popular clans
Most popular clans.
Facts on biggest clans. Number in () is average level of members

#119 New Elite : 180 members (5,35)
#111 HeroesEmpire : 115 members (5,18)
#102 Dark Alliance : 97 members (5,58)
#121 Kingdom of Hearts : 82 members (4,74)
#124 Elite Claymore : 55 members (5,36)
#122 Gaia : 54 members (4,76)
#145 Warriors Guild : 53 members (4,77)
#136 Dragon Heroes : 47 members (5,13)
#114 Cult of the frozen Imp : 43 members (4,47)
#115 Elite Hunters : 43 members (5,47)
#126 Greek Heroes : 36 members (5,19)
#100 Horde : 33 members (4,82)
Number of members is nothing
really important is quality
If a clan is not a good clan, it will lose members.
There are only a finite number of people playing in total.
Therefore, number of members does in fact reflect the quality of the clan.

I'm proud to be a part of New Elite :)
its necessary to mansion that New Elite has high taxes. and dispite of that we have so much members.
I dont think our taxes are high. Work lvl x 500 is a low tax in my opnion. Think about all the benefits we recive with tourneys, thief invites, art rent and bank.
In New Elite,

*. We have the "Best Blacksmith" (Warlord) who can repair 50% with Mega Discount
You only have to pay 60% of Repair price. (For members only of course) :)

*. We have our own tournaments with prize etc.
*. We have our own forum discussion
*. We have our own website
*. We have Bank
*. Cheap Artifact Rent

And.. oh yeah,

*. We are the biggest clan with currently 180 members :)

Should I continue? :)

in HeroesEmpire,

we got all you had but not biggest clan and so called 'best blacksmith' :)
for Warlord:
I can't understand what is this topic about..
You want to prove, that your clan is best? For this you already have a topic
hm... most popular clans?
meaning all those clans in the list are popular? :-)

anyway, proud to be in one of those clan :-)
No i didnt want to prove anything. I just miss some info on clans compaired to each other. I also posted in "Suggestions" about more stats and list on clans.
I dont see much use for "Top Hunters list" but could think of many others i would have better use for.
But yes i am proud of my clan and its serious members.
to all: relax, it's friendly game isn't it? Why so fierceful mood? We don't even have clan wars here yet :|

Pang: "so called 'best blacksmith' :)". What do you mean? Did I miss anybody with 50% too?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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