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Authorjust an idea
but how about allowing the creator of a group battle, to kick certain people who have joined
Tired of setting up NO ARTS battles and having someone join completely filled with them
there should just be a no arts optoin in a battle
not so good idea,cause creator would be able to kick everybody.whom he or she don't like,or always kick *hard to beat* fraction)
maybe the creator just needs to get more options...

no arts button..

in duals they always say "no elve's, no demons etc"
so.. decide wich factions may join

and especially.. the most important one..

how many turns someone can wait before they're afk
immediate afk would be great.. at least then you don't get the false hope that someone would return even though you already lost..

w00t, ryath love your ideas. they should also have a family only button, or family vs. all, so players registered for families can play aginst them in group battles.
owh and set the timer for first move and timer for positioning to

i post a lot ey :P
k some more options..

(from another topic, afk solution)
compensation pot..

ai on/off if someone turns afk

maybe a bet pot..
2 teams can bet against eachother in combat

and somehow i like the idea of letting the creator editing the battlefield
(maybe something for clanwars later on)
Abby suggestions wasnt so bad, but kicking is not the idea, more setting an option to 'not let' people with arts equipped in the game if the optiobs 'No Arts' is on

Someone wanna join (Fully Equipped)
The server check AP status : if different then 0
You cannot join this game if you have arts equipped

Something like that
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