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Crash on entering battle

AuthorCrash on entering battle
I have just witnessed something very bizarre.

I have entered this battle

hoping to help a fellow hunter, when I notice the web browser (firefox in this case) crashing. I restarted it, thinking I would still be in time for settlement, but it crashed again. And again, and again, etc

The most I could get off were some small sentences, since it crashed aabout a second after finishing the load.

I have sent my apologies to my colleague, but was hoping that the technical staff could provide some sort of explanation.

I have since sucessfully acessed the battle, thus preventing me from repeating all the steps, in hopes of an explanation. All I can think of was that I somehow acessed the battle too quickly (since it had just gone up on the battle page). My laptop was working fine before the battle, and it's working fine now. It just crashed on that one battle. I did nothing out of the ordinary, and had no other pages loaded at the time. I have done both a virus check and an adware check.

Any thoughts?

As I said, after the incident I tried accessing a battle replay, and it worked great.

However, when I tried to enter a battle of my own, it crashed again.


Anyhow, it seems a full laptop reboot fixed the glitch. Maybe there was something stored in cache that was causing it.

Now to wait for the penalty to wear off.
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