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AuthorHaving trouble with knights!
I cant seem to beat swordsman. I feel like they are just to powerful. are there any tips on how to beat them?
he is realy slow. 2x2 or 3x3 battle they cant hit. they rullez only 1x1
is there a way to beat them in 1x1?
hm... if i say-you can beat me! so, use youre brain. this game like chess. training and you can win
i see
Well i need strategy help to beat knights in duels i cant get past the swordsmen i have tried what seems like everything please just help not comments on other things...bombastik....
i dont know to much about barbarian, but if you have stunning blow with your hero you can always use that on the swordsman to slow him down even more, and also make a few lvl 1 goblins and attack him with one of this first so your main damage dealer wont get retalled. Make sure to hit him first, dont let him hit you first.

Its kind of waste to use ranged attacks on the swordsman aswell since he has good defence against ranged attacks.

Hope this hints will help you a bit.
thank you
barb at lv 5 is hard to beat knight. unless u get lucky, and do knockback w/ ogress. I mean, wolf riders get killed easy, and ogres get killed too if they go head to head against swords or griffs.
You right but its isn't hard, there a trick for barb to kill those swords. Orc last longer than those bowman and their swords need to rush those Orc most of the time. When those swords in-range, dun be stupid to shoot!

Use meele of Orc (no-meele penalty of shooters) to hit them with Hobs, orges and if you have wolf left. Knights always think they really smart rally 30+ swordsman and this always left them few to none archers. When that happens, just ambush them force them to rush your Orc!!
Knights always think they really smart rally 30+ swordsman

smart? that's the all and what knight can had... i dont see any problem on that
Put some sense please. Of course, you don't see any problems that why you and many knights players does it. Don't tell me, you think it stupid and still doing it.

I already explained, when knights does that, they have few or none Bowman. And so Barbaian can have more Orc surviving the battle.
well from reading these i can now kill knight i just seperate my wolfs into one big group and a bunch a little ones and hit it had before it can hit me. then it is easy killing the bowman with my orcs
lmao, perhaps i have no sense.

from your view, knight should recruit more bowmen instead of swordsmen?

my bad, i must be too noob to understood your point :|
wow, than im also a noob too


Some problem with your reading?! Did i say its noob to have more swordsman that bowman?! I say its smart to do so, did i say its dumb?!

This topic isn't about knight's recuiting?! Knights can recuit more tier 3 swordsman cuz of training, its stupid not to get more swordsman?! Isn't that obvious?! I just post how to kill that large stack of 30+ swordman for Barbarian. And of course you have have more bowman if you like to kill Orc first, just the tactic changes.

I dun see the point of discussion here, if you pick on the words I choose and start a flame war =_=
cold down man, i only mention myself as noob. i dont think it is illegal ;p
Knights always think they really smart rally 30+ swordsman and this always left them few to none archers.

Actually, with 30+ swordman, knight still have 20+ bowman. Unless the knight chose to have 50+ recruits instead of bowman.
The secret with Knight I've found is to not out right kill weak stacks until you've weakened the swordsmen. Their rage is an important feature.

So I use my range to weaken as many stacks as I can without killing them off, and move my physical damage troops to engage the swords. once the sword stack is weakened, then I kill off the other stacks because the +4-6 attack to the the swords wont hurt so much now
knights are hard to kill but with some strategy and brains you can kill them
But they are annoying at level 1 or 2 but for 3 i dont find it as a threat due to your characters faction's level 3 castle units such as ghosts (O.K maybe ghosts are kinda useless against the swordsman due to low hp)Orcs , Golems
But for minotaur im not so sure .After all it is really really slow
I dont really know which is good against knight but all i know is that they arent much of a threat if you actually know how to play this game
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