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Upgraded Heroes

AuthorUpgraded Heroes
I believe you should be able to upgrade your heroes to the following factions (cost 7,000 for 7 days 100 gems for a year.

Dark Elf=Elf Assasin
Elf=Forest Protector
Demon=Hell Bringer
I will add the faction monsters/humans
When I think of them.
Upgrade of hero??
And what it will do?
dnt think its a gd idea
Time to expand on it:
1.Upgraded heroes when attacking strike twice
2.There abilitys become strong e.g. Liches level 1 get twice the amount same for Creator and Elf Assasins.
3.The monsters will be stronger.
Now to list new monsters names and what they do.
Level 1
1.Skeleton Mage has same amount of mana as heroe without mana it hits with Skull Staff 1-2 Damage 2-3 or upgrades for Lich level 1 is Skeleton Mage Type Caster and abitlity is double strike Damage 3-4 cost is 10 gems and 1000 gold
2.Zombie Wolf Damage 2-4 or upgrades for lich level 1 is Zombie Cerberus(Greek myth but zombie)Ability Hits 3 Monsters/Humans at once if lined up 3-4
1.Spartantress a woman Spartan Ability is roar used once and its ranged hits 2 people at once her damage is 4-5 or upgrades level 1 Beserker ability rage he hits twice cost is 10 gems and 1000 gold.
2.Spartan Gaurd is a man with ability to attack and return 3-6 damage or upgrades level 1 is Elite Spartan Gaurd and he has 2 spears and 3-6 damage ability is to strike and return but attacks twices cost is 10 gems and 1000 gold.
1.Golem of Life a golem enchanted and his ability is to weaken oppoment by 1-3 defence and 1-1 damage or you can get level 1 upgrades Golem of Steel 1-3 damage with good defence ability which is arrow block no arrows can hit him cost is 10 gems and 1000 gold.
2.Gremlin Swordsmen ability is double strike with daggers 3-3 damage or upgrades for level 1 is Gremlin Sword thrower and his ability is throws daggers 15 double strike cost is 10 gems and 1000 gold.

And that is all for now please post idea's to me in either private mail or on the forum
Thanks for reading if you did.
this makes no sense due to the fact in the actual games this doesn't ever happen -,-
I am confused these are like just new classes it is cool in theroy but it aint gonna happen maybe later in the game you can have upgraded classes but it would completely change the class
instead of knight to warriors, knights to PALADINS because paladins are the highest rank of knights.
paladins are not the highest rank knight paladins are knights trained by preists to become blessed by god in battle but that is a good next rank but the idea will never work
I'd be happy if my knight dealt a little more damage, since we have no offensive magic
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