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Event Artifacts


AuthorEvent Artifacts
I think there should be special events, like in many other games, like christmas event, for example, or easter event and during this events players should be able to obtain special rare artifacts that will be undestructable, but tradable. This artifacts should be good and only can be obtained once during this special event and never again. As the time passes they will become very expensive and very rare and only the few old players will have them or be able to sell them - who plays this game now.

Possible event could be like: Christmas, HeroesWM Annivercary, Easter, Valentines Day, Halloween.

But i think realy rare and powefull arts should be given only once a year and actually only once-twice in game history and particulary NOW. Becouse we done want many people to have them and ruin the balance when there will be many players.

100% truley postifly awsem agree
for master_killer:
love it, hope it happens..and even more hope im there! xD
for Kush:
+1 are you with me or it a warning
+1 means i think the same =)))))))
or possibly they could create an event that also implements new unique monsters that you can run into during the duration of the event that have a chance to initiate the ability to recruit some number of that specific unit. Something like a refugee camp in HOMM3
I like the idea of event based artifacts but how would they be distributed? and how would it be fair if it is not just given to everyone?
We are not many players yet and when there will be like 10k-50k players playing the game, we will only have like 500-1k artifacts. You will get them by doing special even quests, which will have many little subquests in order to complete - killing special monsters, solving pazzles, winning card games, etc...
I think this is a nice reward for old players, who are loyal to the game, play now and support the game's progress.
well, sounds good. They could be named Legendary sword of something, or they can have names like
Excalibur(Sword) - Heoroes of WM anniversary
Brave Heart of Old(can be equiped as necklace) - Valentine Day
Sacred Cross(can be equiped on Back) - Easter
Stardust Ring(Ring) - Christmas
Ignis Fatuus Helmet(Helmet) - Halloween
They should not be transferable or sold.They stay in owner's extra inventory for ever.
But There can be only one speciall way of transferring such item and it would be called Ceremony of Old, where owner That want to sell his special item makes a special turnament, where winner can buy such thing. Of course anyone that wants to participate should also pay a joining tax. That should be the only way of transferring the item. If player with such item quits, than this item is lost for ever. Therefore there should be only few of such artifacts, And if something is in small numbers, it's priceless and become legendary. 1 special item per event, every time the different (and every time weaker item).
On that that tournament potencial buyers are fighting each other throuhh random duels. Winner of one duel then duels with other winner of other duel, and so on. Winner of all duels then get the honour to duel with this Legendary-Item-owner and if he wins, he wins also the legendary artifact, otherwise he have to buy it for a symbolic sum of money, not higher than 777.777 gold or something...
oh, and another rule: Owner of one legendary item can not be an owner of two or more other legendary items. He also can not participate in so called Ceremony of Old.
If there should be around 5-10 events per year, that means 5-10 such items, every year less good items. There can also be such limitations as combat level 10 to wear them or faction level 10, or mercenary level 5 or laborers level 6, etc.
i mean: every "NEXT" year...
I know from one good computer online flash game, they have brought out a set of items soon after the game started and after like 7 years those items became SO expensive, that owning them was... Mmmmm, i dont know the word, very special :) But there was only 1 set of like 5-6 items and the next events didnt give anything comparable in price or rareness. I think 1-3 events only should give realy rare item(s). If the gamemakers ever make such a thing.
Well they could be the first prize of Christmas Tournament, Halloween Tournament(big tournaments),etc... for levels above 7 or 8...
Maybe it's still to early for them... awaiting first 10th level... let's say first 5 players that reach 10th level get them...
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