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AuthorOrcs VS Elven bowmen
http://www.heroeswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=2820281 see for urself....aren't orcs supposed to atack before elven bowmen? i mean orcs have 11 init and elven only 10+0.03=10.I think it's just a bug, had so many battles against elfs before and orcs always started 1st, otherwise its imposible to beat elve as barbarian...they kill ur orcs and wait for u to come, if u dont they just shoot u ><
10+0.03=10.03 sry i was angry :/ and i can't edit now
you're complaning about one battle?
I've fought elves with much less initiative than me ( after arts and hunter guild initiative is apllied ) and nearly every time my bows are after theirs!
i'm not complaining, i'm informing about a bug, just after 20 times being 1st cuz of biggger initiative makes me think this should not have happened.
actually it's 3% so it'll come to 10.3 and on the first turn there is up to a 10% difference, so your initiative for the orcs could have dropped by 5% to 10.5 and the bowmen could have increased by 7% to 11. then they would get to go first
barbs need to be buffs, nuff said.
theres random chance in first turn for initiative
mavimegaman 3% is 3/100 not 30/100
ok thank you i am not stupid. 3% of 10 is 0.3 so 10 + 0.3 = 10.3
who said its 3% bonus to ur current, its just 3%
ofcourse it is of your current initiative otherwise there would be no point in it.
there would, for example getting turns 1st when facing same init units .
please stop arguing with me about things you know nothing about. the + or - 10% random difference in initiative is why he went first. with the boost or without
well, just prove me wrong and i'll stop, because i'm not sure about anything now
taken from the combat section of the guide:

The pre-combat positioning of units on the bar happens with a random deviation of 0% to 10%. Later, in course of combat, the order of turns changes, troops with higher initiative outstrip those with lower ones.

as for the initiative i have 5% bonus from my racial level 6 and if you check any of my non arts battles you will see that my swordsman' initiative have increased from 8 to 8.4 , shock horror a 5% increase!
u are right :) peace.
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