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Authorelves elves elves
all agreed elvels have too much power if we ipologise the damage that they make with archers opponents troops can't reach them.
archers 30+30 (if luck)40+40 damage(sometimes favoure enemy)
45-55+45-55...duids make 36 damage(usually be spiled)
36*3=102+90=192 damage in one turn and if ipologise lore keepers elves power is overpowered!
firstly, what are you suggest. Secondly, Elves are like a glass cannon. They shoot a massive amount of damage early on, then simply stop hurting as much at all. At higher levels other factions can endure the barrage a lot better, and earlier on, smart play will still do just enough to survive. Just charging with full stacks on archers is a bad idea. As such, Elves aren't overpowered, but fighting them DOES require a lot of consideration at the lower lvls.

But you didn't suggest anything. So this really is more of a complaint.
I can only speak about my own experience, that's to say a Wizard point of view.
Most important thing is to get you to fist the hell out of your magi before bowmen. If you manage to overcome their archers' initiative, elves aren't an impossible match. Just pound on archers, then druids won't deal that massive damage by themselves, and anyway not enough not to force their keepers to rush (who, in the meantime, will 90% of times be sitting around waiting for you to rush in); druids' long range shoot isn't going to be of much concern. Then quickly get your infantry out of range by moving them in the back row and pound on keepers with hero. Then it's easy pickings: with their damage dealers out of combat, and with keepers under constant hero fire, elves can't really bring down tough units as gargoyles and golems together. Also keep the latter ones quite close each other to fend off keepers rush by teamwork.
Anyway, this took me many fights and many losses against elves factions before I could figure out a winning tactic. Still, elves could bring you down in a couple of turns if they get to shoot before you and deal double damage by any means.
There are many ways to tan the hide out of your opponent, be him or you of any faction, but still there's a lot of luck getting involved (e.g. the initiative random modifier t the beginning of battles), so don't just get frustrated and try on.
And still they have less than protection and quantity, through their one course any more will not be.
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Y the hell did u make a WHOLE other thread. there r already like 50 of them. and elves aren't overpowered
i find it easy s a level 4 demon to take them down if i have at least 1 ranged ally
we are not over powered in group battles i always die first because the entire other team focuses every thing on me we are not over powered the end if anyone is overpowered it is necros
heh heh elves are not overpowered my barbarian(minotauren) kills them almost all the time in a duel
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