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Female Heroes

AuthorFemale Heroes
For the people that pick females as their hero the units should be female as well. :D That would make the battlefield a little more fresh with that little difference.

Not sure if that would matter but I was just thinking that they pick a female leader.. Maybe they want female units..

Or even switch between male and female for each unit. Add a little customization to the player.

Think of a male succubi.. or female Zombie.. He he
Sorry... that was me up there. I thought I was on my main account. :/
Think of a male succubi.. or female Zombie.. He he

Yeah... That's why it's not implemented. ;-)
A male Succubus is called an Incubus, just so you know. And fairies, sprites and dark witches are female already. I'm personally against the idea of having all female and male troops, but kudos for the creative thinking.
i like the idea of choosing the gender of you troops.

: ]
lol can you imagine male rouges and female treefolk??
I will really prefer a dark wizard than dark withc if possible since i am DE XD
I Dont really understand the idea
If it was a ghost?
What? will it have hair?
And zombie
They will look like what?
they will have lipgloss and makeup on
lol that is a ok idea but it is gonna take all lot of more new artwork it would be a big deal for the admins
well there some units cannot be changed to female like death envoys and liches and skeltons female will look just like male and also hydras

and also sphynx guardins are female

i also want to see ogres and cyclops female rofl
Not only it's more artwork, but it would mean twice the amount of info to download, and twice the server load on a battle start. Visual perks are very welcome ideas once we have a local client. Until then, keep it as light as possible please =)
i really do NOT want female ogres,

then we get battles as, no female barbarians allowed
i think its great, although female orges would be repugnet i mean ehr gives me chills.
and like kimbert said twice the artwork, twice the work.
can u think of a female hydra or griffin or even beeter female minos
female wolfhound?? female minos LOL
This is just not practical it is a funny idea but just aint gonna happen someone is gonna have to draw all the new creatures then someone is gonna have to animate them and then we have to load more i agree with kimbert on that it is just too much work for every one
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