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AuthorMore than just a friend, the sequel...



09-03-08 05:48: Received 130 Gold 2 Crystals from TheKnife : thanks mate, but you cant give me everything you know ;)
09-02-08 10:06: Transferred 198 Gold 3 Crystals to TheKnife : As I dont play much these days, you may loan and have what little I have :) Was good to meet u mate!
08-27-08 13:25: Transferred 1 Crystals to TheKnife : Will that suffice for clan repair?
08-26-08 23:15: Received 360 Gold from TheKnife : Woody woodpecker...
08-26-08 18:33: Transferred 2 Wood to TheKnife :
08-26-08 18:33: Acquired: 2 Wood for 372 gold from Styxx as lot #59767
08-25-08 03:33: Transferred 4 Wood to TheKnife : 4 for art necklace
08-25-08 03:32: Acquired: 4 Wood for 744 gold from engsigh as lot #58867
08-21-08 00:03: Transferred 10000 Gold to TheKnife : It wasnt a missclick fool! :D For clan !!
08-20-08 12:48: Received 10000 Gold from TheKnife : thanks for the loan mate! :))
08-20-08 10:20: Transferred 12000 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood to TheKnife : Here's your loan mate, 1/9 - 08, ok?! :=) Threw in a lil' extra for your help last ;)

JackofBlades also didnt joined a clan.


09-03-08 07:19: Acquired: 3 Crystals for 1164 gold from TheKnife as lot #67008
08-27-08 13:26: Transferred 1 Ore 1 Wood to TheKnife : I owe you big time mate! Awesome battle, mwuahaha!! xD
08-27-08 10:15: Transferred 79 Gold to TheKnife : Hunt.
08-26-08 17:52: Transferred 5000 Gold to TheKnife : Clan dues. Half now.

no combat in combat logs between Yojimbo and TheKnife, and didnt joined clan at all.


09-04-08 11:47: Transferred 1 Gems 2 Crystals to TheKnife : 370 a piece mate :)
09-03-08 07:22: Acquired: 1 Crystals for 388 gold from TheKnife as lot #67008
09-03-08 07:21: Acquired: 1 Crystals for 388 gold from TheKnife as lot #67008
09-03-08 07:21: Acquired: 1 Gems for 374 gold from TheKnife as lot #66293
08-30-08 17:19: Transferred 11 Crystals to TheKnife : upc. Clan donation
08-27-08 17:34: TheKnife has returned an item: "Round shield" [0/7]
08-27-08 17:34: TheKnife has returned an item: "Wooden sword" [0/7]
08-27-08 13:37: Transferred item(s): 'Round shield' [5/7] to be returned until 01-09-08 13:37 ; for 5 battles ; (repairing allowed) to TheKnife . Transaction price: 100 Gold
08-27-08 13:37: Transferred item(s): 'Wooden sword' [5/7] to be returned until 01-09-08 13:37 ; for 5 battles ; (repairing allowed) to TheKnife . Transaction price: 100 Gold
08-27-08 12:29: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] to TheKnife . Transaction price: 350 Gold
08-26-08 23:07: Transferred item(s): 'Potion of oblivion' [1/1] to TheKnife . Transaction price: 1000 Gold

The-Inquisitor didnt joined a clan. To buy a Potion of oblivion in artifact shop cost 2,500 gold.
hehe, we do stille have 14 days to build it though xD To my understanding, chipping in to build a clan is no break of TOS ?
I mean, I don't have to pay all the 30k myself do I? Friends can assist with that, right? Else I just return 'em their goldies, no fuzz xD
"More than just a friend" do you mean that they are lovers?
08-27-08 13:26: Transferred 1 Ore 1 Wood to TheKnife : I owe you big time mate! Awesome battle, mwuahaha!! xD
08-27-08 10:15: Transferred 79 Gold to TheKnife : Hunt.

then what about this, cheating public or admin by saying these words?


Character went offline at 11:51, 09-04-08 The-Inquisitor

Character went offline at 12:09, 09-04-08 JackofBlades

Character went offline at 11:52, 09-04-08 Yojimbo

online now TheKnife
09-04-08 12:00: Transferred 1110 Gold to The-Inquisitor : Okidoki then :p

i think you are multi more than they 3 are friends.
As said, I'm not gonna make a big fuzz about this, we all play BF2 at the same net cafe, and sometimes we have a break with this neat lil' game :)

If we broken any rules, it was unintentionally, and tbh, this game not so damn hard to advance in that it matters much if we should get blocked for being too lazy to read the TOS... xD

Oh, and you may indeed think what you will Rankine, it's a free world...yet...at least in the part where I'm living in...how 'bout you Rankine? ;=)
Your right is is a free world but what your doing is illegal in this game.Transactions listed show that you have been getting alot of cash from some people and they didnt even join "your clan".so therefor the transfers are illegal and if your account and all the other connected to you get blocked its your own fault
I hope you think it was woth it

Dunno if I find it "worth" it, just saying I'm not gonna loose any sleep over it, it is after all just a game. As said earlier, any TOS broken was unintentionally, so now I've taken the time to study few of the rules, lemme see if I got it right, you can get a loan for 30 days from another player, you can chip in to build a clan together, you can "donate" 30 % of your fortune to another player as a "gift" no refund needed.

If any of this above is wrong, please enlighten me.

We all gonna roll some new toons and make an elf clan, anyways, it be nice to know if the leader of a clan need to bleeed all 30k himself or his mates can pay some of it too?
closed by Lexa (2008-09-25 22:54:57)
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