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2D view for group battle (like chess diagram)

Author2D view for group battle (like chess diagram)
If we have big battle field in group battle, it's rather hard to see creatures, especially creatures which place behind large creatures.
It's rather hard to count the distance between creatures,too.

So I suggest that this game add optional view from top (2D), like chess diagram.
Yes, that`s a very good idea. I would suppose, from the front (view of the team) and like now. So two options. + a team chat -> perfect battles)

but unfortunately admins are busy now..maybe because of gnomes
Yes, gnomes.))
+1 good idea
yes i would love that since lvl8 battles look massive and can be a bit confusing :S
i like that, it could be useful...and gnomes??
gnomes are a new faction or new units for a faction, or i think so..
I am in level 8 and have many group battle for 3 lvl 8 vs 3 lvl 8.

It's very painful to my eyes when I have to look carefully to creatures on that battle field.
mhm i'm sure it's Dwarves not gnome :)

the race of HOMM5 expansion: Hammer of Fate.

I really love dwarf in HOMM 5 :)
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