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Authorwhy kush banned me for using caps lock ?
i didnt abuse anyone ,even i wanted to express my feelings,i like this game ,but i dont like the bossy behaviour of some moderators,also how to become a moderator ?
if the admin needs more mods he will choose someone
and i understand Kush behavios completly. If u want to expess ur fellings do it in a way that isnt annoying (like all caps)
Honestly, I can't find a rule that says no caps in the forum... see for yourself


5. Actions of moderators and administrators.

5.1. Administration's actions and decisions are not subject to discussion.
5.2. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, c.f. par.1.5.
5.3. A moderator must be impartial. 5.4. Moderators are allowed to estimate the actions of other moderators, of an administrator, or to discuss their decisions exceptionally through private correspondence with them, on the special hidden forum, or directly with the game Administration.

kush was ABSOLUTLY right 2 ban u. if u don't like it tuff luk. if u r really outraged then pm
ugghh.... all caps is against rules... not site rules just chat and forum rules.... i think its alright if your keyboard is stuck though
closed by Lexa (2008-09-27 19:22:16)
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