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if all hero have racil skill abilty why don`t they have their faction specil power and it diffrents in effect and form for evry faction and they are :

for knights: it`s effect for every skill level the faction it incress the stack number by 10% and choseen stack is random andwhen they use it in the middle of the screen appers a castle and the stack comes out of it

for necrmancer: it`s effect you can raise any dead stack in the battle field and the raised onec are random but they have full heealth (mana shoots ) if they have it and when the hero use it a small ortal opens in the middle of the battel field and it goes round and iside it the pictur of a graveyard

for wizard: it`s effect they damge any enemy stack in the battle field of one of the chaos magic spells and they have a bulding for it it is like avengr guild but it`s effect the wizard chosse one of the cahos magic spells and in battels when heros use it a lightning storm aperrs and for evry facton skill level that wizard have one random enemy stack is damge with the spells and for spell power if the spell level is 2 then 2 spell powe of the hero is consdard as 1 for this one if it 3 than for every 3 spell power the hero have it will do as 1 spell power for that spell and for mass spells it will do half damge and also effect allied

for elves: it`s effect is the "elvesh luck" it make the allied selcted stack be fully lucked and not for the luck onley but for evry thing like morla crtcal and it also effect heroes so the hero will make dobul damge for normal and dobul effect for and for evry factin skill level 1 random allied stack is cosen (or hero) and when the hero uses it a big green tree appers in the battle field and the selcted once will have the ;uck rain bow thing on their heads all the time it lastsand for every 1 spell power it lastes for one turn

for dark elves " it`s effect is all the hero troops have 100% damge and the hero have 5 attack and when the hero use it a big black sowrd appers in the middle battle field and the hero replace it insted for his staff and for every 1 spell power it lastes for 1 turn

for barbain: is a gift from gods they become 100% imune for magic and dark elves racil skill abilty won`t do effect and all the troops have 50% mor hp and damge and attack and deffence and shots and every thing exapt luck and moral and when the hero uses it a spirt appers in the middle of the battle field and for every 3 attack it lasts for 1 turn

for demon: they open a gate from hell and all his creaturs are fully gated from hell and in the place the troops gate the gated one are fuly gated and they are concdar as the real once and when the troops gate they won`t lose turn they complet their turn
for knights 5% for each skill level for all the troops

for demons for each 2 spell power they last for 3 turns
so no coment ????
absolutely crasy and absolutely imbalanced
demons will be unbeatable O.o
for Dnight:
i forget to tell the gated once a incroperl

and i don`t think it is un balnced i just doubled what every one is affraid in the other faction like knight people complan about their high amount troops and elves people are affried abot how they can get to much luck in low levels
Just one example of imbalance:

How will effect each other barbarian's and wizard's skills?
Knights such as I need all those extra troops to keep up; power in numbers. As far as demons go gated creatures are allied tropps not domestic troops. It basicly means kill the original creatures and the gated ones will auto die.
Buy Microsoft word, or use Firefox. For the love of god, use spell check!
only read the first 2 races and i agree with striker so very very much...also really demons gate everything automatically full stacks and they get to go right away? so if i had a 100 demon stack i could split it into 5 20 demon stacks and gate them right next to the enemies ranged units and kill them all right away...really these would just make it so that whoever has first initiative wins
for abdullah:

i hardly understand what you posted to many typos
@thechat: You only fixed the spelling errors lol. You need to repair the grammar too. Even with the spelling fixed, I still cannot understand some of it :P
And for the love of gawd, stop using so many "and"s in your sentence. Try substituting them with a full stop. :(

On topic: I think the current racial bonus effect is fine except for DE's, which would be better if they change it Magic Amplification (more magic dmg, instead of piercing).
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