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AuthorHeroesWM Food Chain Game
120 swordsmen :)
40 unicorns
50 titans
no titans-only PLAYABLE UNITS (means no titans, plains wolf...etc, and no characters, like what i did just now...sorry again)
continue from unicorn........

60 shrews
200 poisoners
300 shrews spilt in 2 stacks with 150
350 monks splted into 5 groups and for 70 each
400 lorekeepers
100000 poisoners
15000 devils.

death envoys
10 cave demons (pretty sure?)
40000 grandmaster bowman
50000 magi
50000 orc cheif
55000 cross bow man
Just to clearify things: 350 monks beat 400 lorekeepers, 15000 devils beat 20000 death envoys,50000 orc cheifs beat 55000 crossbowmen, and 10 cave demons is well really, really, really weak.
Now back to business 55000 liches.
55000 cross bow man can do alot of damage so 55000 cross bow man can do like 1mill damage and its cross bow mans turn first
60000 guardians???? can win ?
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