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AuthorLevel 6 Wizard looking for a clan
Hello fellow players of this game,

I have written this message for clanleaders and recruiters, if you are neither of those don't waste your time and read something more interesting.

Now let's get to business,
as the title states I am looking for a clan.
You might be wondering why I don't just pick out a clan and join it, well I tried. The truth is I am a bit overwhelmed.
It seems almost anyone can start a clan around here, so I decided to create a topic here and have people respond to me, instead of the other way around.

I would like to join just 1 clan, which I will be loyal to. I don't really like the idea of joining 3 clans, 1 sounds like enough for my part.

Being a active member of a clan, obviously, includes giving and taking. I would like to held those 2 in balance and don't mind contributing my part to that.
Because I expect quite a few messages, I have decided to set up some aspects I would like clans to have and what I can give to the clan.

I am willing to donate a maximum of 1000 a week, but less is fine with me too. I don't mind helping clan mates out with loans, artifacts or hunting from time to time. Rather than using the market to sell elements I will sell them within the guild, often for a lower price, the only condition to that is that you must use them. I don't mind sharing but I do mind other people taking an advantage of my kindness.

Things the clan must have or must include are rather standard. They must be active members of the game, nice people and around 50-100 of them, that last one shouldn't be a reason to not join a clan tough. Also another thing which is ordinary is that I would like to see mature people in the clan, I don't mean mature as in the number on your driver's license but your mental age, I really don't like wasting my time talking about wether Spongebob could take Patrick in a knife fight or not. I would also like to see were my weekly contribute is going, from what I have seen most clan leaders often walk around with filled pockets.
The clan isn't allowed to set boundaries to how I play the game, with who I interact or not interact without any reasons or without my agreement. And last but certainly not least, I want to have access to an thieving invitation. I don't like greedy people and I find it hard having to ask about a clan with a thieving invitation but they are a bit to expensive to buy on my own, we can work out a deal about that I think.

Everyone who thinks I can be an valuable asset to their clan and think their clan lives up to my expectations is allowed to send me a message or react to this topic. I, myself prefer you do the first one.

Note: Do include what your clan can offer me and what I am expected to contribute to the clan and your proposal of a deal about the thieving invitation, since I am rather desperate for one.

Looking back at this message, I think I have said enough, I hope to receive many messages about this topic, written in either proper English or Dutch.

Yours Truly,

A really long post.:)
You may check our clan #136 Dragon Heroes.

We offer our memebers:
--> 2 Thieves' Invitations (the best deal is 1 thief art and 1 thief invitation in return, + 1000 gold per day)
--> Clan Discount Smith (repair 50% of your art, you pay only 40% of repair cost)
--> Clan Chat Channel, Clan MSN Group, and google group. :)
--> Clan Battle
--> Clan Bank
--> Cheap Thief Artifact Renting
--> Clan title
--> more are coming.
plz read our clan page for details. http://www.heroeswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7136

You need to pay 1000 gold to join us. And you need to pay a weekly tax 100*n (n=combat lvl). And donation is always welcome and gain clan title. The clan money is used in buying Thief invitation, repairing art for clan members, and holding clan activity.
closed by frozenice (2008-10-14 19:18:19)
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