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Authormalaysia only
me 2
me, Malaysia Chinese ppl
plan to open a clan for all m'sia ppl in this game?
Yes , my clan The Malaysian Empire is currently awaiting approval .
sure or not spartan300? im staying the same states as u..
im looking forward for joining the clan
malaysian here too
me, Malaysia Chinese ppl
plan to open a clan for all m'sia ppl in this game?
I m a malaysian too.
Hi redzuan!I am malaysian too,I live in selangor.I hope any malaysians can open a clan for Malaysians.
penang :)
me 2 malaysian.
see my name
i'm from malaysia too.. a malay guy. =)
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // non-english]
hi you all.....i from johor
im from malaysia 2 but chinese
Yo...im also malaysian...johorian...haha....
hey i am visiting malaysia :) ....tell where to go and what to see ...yea i am going to Genting :D....
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // 2.5. The official game language is English.]
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