Author | Dungeons |
I would like to say this is the game ive been searching the internet for, a very tactical rpg. I understand it is still in early development so I would like to suggest adding to the rpg aspect.
One idea I have is to eventually add dungeons that can be explored by 1 or more players. all loses to troops (and used mana) are for the whole dungeon so if u lose too many troops early you won't be able to finish.
There can be easier ones for single players, that could even be randomly generated. One would fight monsters and get gold and maybe a small chance of a resources with a final boss room that has a greater prize (an artifact or treasure chest with gold and resources)
Then there can be much harder ones that can either be randomly generated or even specifically created. These would take a party of characters (2-3) because of their difficulty, but would have a greater treasure at the end, a unique artifact (one for each player) or maybe a special potion that will raise one stat 1 point (again one for each player).
You could even create an adventures guild that is for dungeons and lvls would give bonuses to the player, but only when exploring a dungeon. You could make the hardest dungeons so hard that they take a party of 3 players all with pretty high adventuring guild lvl bonuses to complete or just only allow access to the best dungeons with a certain lvl in this guild.
This may not be part of your plan, but I think its an intesting idea that will add a whole nother dimension to the game and add to its long term playability. |
That is not very Heroes of might and magic, but having an underground map that you can travel to and mayby to split up creatures so that some appear only onsurface, some only appear underground and some appear on both maps may be an interesting idea |
This game is only based on Heroes (they even had to change the name since its not actually associated). They can do what they want as the game creators and are not bound by anything that has come before.
That being said, I am only giving a suggestion that may or may not be good. It may or may not be implemented, but even if it isn't it my spark other ideas that are.
I don't believe its a bad idea, but that doesn't mean they should or will implement it. But I think they are open to ideas and there is no harm in giving them. |
Ok really...Dungeons don't go along with Lords of WAR and MONEY? Even Heroes of Might and Magic has dungeons written all over it. Personally, I think it's great but I highly doubt it would ever come anywhere near implementation. |
It is a good idea. Access to said dungeons could require keys of any sort too. Torches and rope could be needed. yea theres a billion possibilities to dungeons.
implementation would take alot of planning.
-would a char be able to farm the same dungeon over and over for easy exp?
-Does dungeon difficulty increase as do hunts, merc quests, and etcetera? (reminds me of the old diablo game where you just climbed lower and lower into the castle, encountering harder and harder levels)
-Dungeons can exceed the standard square playing field and side-scroll a bit more, as the troops advance.
Merely the thoughts that come to mind, good suggestion |
its a good idea and these dungeons must be there it should be intersting |
I like the idea.I hope this game can be fused with both role playing and multi player.Kinda hard but if success it is a good game.Attract more people.We cant only depend on mercenary quest to become a role playing game. |
I think a lot could be done with it. The idea of losing creatures during a battle and having to live with those loses for more battles with regular rewards for each battle, but if the person can survive them all the they get a special reward,is a good concept.
I would think the basic dungeon would be 3 lvls. On the first level u have X lvl 1 creatures with x based on the lvl of the character. The the same for lvl 2 of the dungeon but it would have lvl 2 creatures and then the final lvl would either have some number of lvl 3 creatures or maybe just 1-3 powerful 'boss' creatures. The harder dungeons would have more lvls and harder monsters.
There could even be traps that do damage but each faction is immune to a particular type of trap. So a 'cave in' trap is avoided dark elves by their knowledge of the underworld and a 'drain mana' trap would be avaoided by a barbarian because they are so none magic.
Basic dungeons could be generated using a simple generator and dungeons that have really good rewards can be specfically designed. Its got a lot of possibilities and room for growth without adding anything really outside what is already in the game.
I think what it adds to the game is a new depth and room for growth, but also another form of challenge where battle attrition becomes more important. Being able to win battles with few loses is rewarded by completion of the dungeon and a 'prize'. |
well the game is based on heroes...
But it is from 2 game lines its from heroes of might and magic wich is most off the game...
but take the card game in tavan that is from the game Might and magic... that is a rpg game with dungeons,, so it woude not be that strage to implant some dungeons in game really... |
I find this idea great and i hope i see something new this server |
Since people like this idea let me see if I can explain it in such a way that easy to understand.
A dungeon isnt really a place as much as it is a series of 3 (or more) battles in a row, where the losses and used mana from every battle carries on to the next (the carrying over of losses is the one point that isnt already in the game, but I think would make an interesting addition.)
Basically a dungeon would start out like a hunt. Every time the system resets a players hunt, there is a small chance u get a dungeon instead of a wandering monster. It would show up on the map screen just like a hunt and would name the type of dungeon (i think each dungeon should be based on a faction, so all the monsters in that dungeon are from one faction only and the name of the dungeon tells u the faction). Then just like a hunt u could choose to enter it or pass it (it could even be that u could ask for assistance like a hunt). Just like a hunt if you move to a new location the dungeon disappears.
Once u entered the dungeon you would begin a series of battles and at anytime u lose all ur forces you lose and the dungeon disappears. I would think u could start dungeons at 2nd lvl or after, so they wouldnt be available to begining players. Ba
The first level of a dungeon should be easy but hard enough to do some small damage. It should be made up of level 1 creatures of the dungeons faction. The exact number will have to be played with but I was thinking 5 x players level squared (i.e. 2st lvl player 20 monsters but 5th lvl player is 125 monsters. Now you can have a random chance (say 10%) that u get upgrade monsters, but half as many (rounded up). After the battle u are awarded 1 gp per/monster (2/per if upgraded) as a treasure and u go to the next battle.
Again here is the trick, at the begining of the second battle all monsters lost, damage and spent mana stay the same as from the end of the first battle. On the 2nd lvl of the dungeon would be lvl 2 monsters. this should be tougher, but still not too tough. say 3 times the players lvl squared with again a small chance for half as many upgraded monsters. Treasure after success here can be 2 gold per monster (doubled for upgraded). After the battle you go to the final battle.
Again all damage, losses and spent mana carry over from the end of the last battle. Now the final battle can have a few flavors though it should be hard. Normal would be 3 times the players lvl of lvl 3 monsters or half that many upgraded. Or it could be half that many lvl 4 monsters, or it could be 1-3 'boss' monsters (lvl 5 or higher monster lvl). The reward for completing the whole thing would be some gold for the 3rd battle and then a random 'prize' for completeing the whole thing. Say a 5% chance of an normal artifact, 10% of a hunters artifact, 10% chance of 10 random resources, 25% chance of 5 random resources, and the last 50% would just be an extra 100 coins times the lvl of the player.
Later specific dungeons could be made to hold really good artifacts, but the first ones could easily be made with very little code. All my numbers are just ideas but they would have to be fiddled with a little to preserve balance. But all in all I think the idea adds more to the game without needing a lot of code or in anyway changing the flavor of the game as it is. |
I like the idea of being able to ask for assistance. Team fights are fun especially when you can blend playing styles and faction strengths.
Possibly 3 friends can join depending on difficulty.
To get access you gotta find an untradable 'key' from a hunt drop.
"you gain a key for skeleton dungeon(0)"
(wandering hunt monsters can vanish but not a stationary dungeon.)
Though..maybe you can lose the key item..but the dungeon remains.
If player progresses far enough perhaps they can possibly loot another key from a denizen inside that particular dungeon.
It would be nice if dungeons were vastly different from the current merc quest styles/layouts.
I'm worried about the % chance for loot from the dungeon. it would mean many players would defeat several and not recieve a prize. I'll suggest that a dungeon reward is 100% but the item itself is merely a trophy of some sort. A hat, weap, shield etc that holds absolutely no combat bonus or durability. A badge of accomplishment to be worn and bragged about. |