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AuthorWhat's the point of making lvl 9 and 10 ambush so difficult?
Most of the time it is impossible. While at lvl 8 you still have a high percentage of winning, at lvl 9+ there's not much possibility you can win one.

Why the admin decided that lvl 9+ should have a hard time ambushing?
1. Knights isn't good fraction to raisinglevel of thief's guild..
2. Caravans power increase each level. But when you lose o certain type of caraven, next time you meet the same caravan it will be weaker.. So it is a good idea to lose 20-40 times (without artifacts) and then wear artifacts and try to win
What is a good faction for level 9 ambush? wizard and probably dark elf, i don't know. I know Barbarian isn't, at least since the server move...
on 9 level best fracrions for thiefing are DE and elfs.. also demons with cerberi
wizard not that good they dont have that huge spell power bonus against neutral since caravans belong to factions.
ye right elfs :) 2 out of 10
IMO, you should start TG as early as possible
i know i am not a thief but i do know that elves wins really good in caravans for lvl8 or above because their elite forest keepers speed....ability....and also damage.
To post 2: what are you talking about? Before lvl8 knight is the best faction for thief. I constantly win at 80%-90% percentage. Actually lots of my clan mate change to knight just for thief purpose.

After lvl9 I don't think any faction will have a chance. What's the purpose of making it so difficult for lvl 9 and above?
>2. Caravans power increase each level. But when you lose o certain type of >caraven, next time you meet the same caravan it will be weaker.. So it is a >good idea to lose 20-40 times (without artifacts) and then wear artifacts and >try to win

Is this confirmed or just rumor? I kept losing and have not notice any change in caravan army.
sg_dark, elf is not good at thief after lvl9 confirmed from my clan mate. Lvl 8 is good though.
Before lvl8 knight is the best faction for thief.
Defore 8 level - yes, maybe.. nbut then situation changes..

Is this confirmed or just rumor? This is fact..
My experience is that, some types do get weaker when you lose, but most are just random.
elfs are good at lvl 7 with diamond upgrades
to 14, I am talking about lvl 9 and 10 here.

lvl8 and below nothing beat EFK or Knight on ambushing.

I believe admin used wrong formula to calculate the caravan strength. lvl9 knight has just one more monk and grif than lvl 8 knight. That's not much of a upgrade. The caravan and NPC hero have about 70%-100% upgrade, which totally eliminated the winning possibility.
lvl9 knight has just one more monk and grif than lvl 8 knight.That's not much of a upgrade.
Upgraded barracks, the garrison allows to recruit guardians.
level 9 with diamond upgrade
guess admin is encouraging ppl to use diamond upgrade
you should know what i try to mean
Actually BB is worst doing the thief quest even at lv 8. win 2 out of 8 match...

Why so unfair ??!!!!!!!!! i agreed with lightingsword knight is a good faction to do the thief when lv8.
Yangguo: Well, i can't speak for the caravans after the server move, but i made lvl 3+4 thieves guild in level 8 as barbarian with about 10% losses, i think.
Seems I should stop hunting or doing quests, only get exp in amushes before I reach lv9 though that shouldn't be what this game is about.
19: Yeah, maybe admin is giving lvl 9 & 10 ways to increase faction points but not experiences. LOL.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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