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AuthorError in Mercenaries' Guild
This's my Mercenaries' Guild Battle, I'd won it in time and when I came back for reward, it said that i didn't finished in time, this 's my 2nd time that I face this problem, does admin have any explain for this ?
did you do this?

For example you go acept quest

you have 120 minutes

you goto somewhere you have 128 minutes

you fight,when you win you have 100 minutes left

didi you go back in 100 minutes?
or maybe he didn't get back in time =p. not a bug, just have to be quicker
for misself:
thats what i meant
he might hav finished the quest,logged off then came back past the time, THEN returned to yellow lake...happened to me twice...
the 1st time maybe it but the 2nd time, i came right away, it's not even an hour after i accepted the quest.
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