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AuthorDerryK: Rule Break 1.10 - Insult
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // off topic]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2008-12-05 03:06:05 // off topic]
In relation to the topic and referring to Derryk last post:

1) As far as I know, no transactions between RU and COM server are currently possible, as they have two completly seperate databases, so using RU chars to improve COM chars is not possible, like you claim.

2) You may accuse him of cheating (with proove), and only in the CoA section, but you may not call him "dirty" and "stinking", especially not in a character info page, which is publically available. I am not making the rules, but everyone has to obey them.

3) Admins and mods have repeatingly checked Commanders transactions and didnt found any proove of guilt. In real live a accused persion, who has been declared innocent by the law, has legal protection to not be accused again by the same people. You are not above the law. And in this game the law is made by the admins of the game, not you.

So please lets settle things here. Remove the bad words from your character info page and we are done and can continue enjoying the game. I want no flame war, no trouble, but of course I defend my Country and Clan people.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // off topic]
i will ban whoever still want to refer back to Commander. it is off topic. we are talking on Derryk now
for Pang:
i am sorry, but this topic is about Derryk insulting Commander. If Commander is off topic, what is ON topic?
they keep refer back to Comamander cheating issues. they can open another new thread to report cheater or so on.

for now, this thread is talking on the insulting of Derryk in personal detail but NOT about Commander cheating.
closed by Arctic (2010-11-16 18:31:10)
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