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Authorfinancial assist
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4438470 lordbalthezar

12-08-08 18:54: Received 2900 Gold from Lordbond007 :
12-08-08 18:52: Transferred item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [25/25] to Lordbond007
11-28-08 16:36: Received 3 Sulfur from Lordbond007 :
11-28-08 16:32: Received 3 Gems from Lordbond007 :
11-28-08 16:31: Received 3 Crystals from Lordbond007 :
11-15-08 04:25: Transferred 6 Crystals to Lordbond007 :
11-14-08 18:24: Transferred 1 Ore to Lordbond007 :
11-12-08 11:52: Transferred 1800 Gold to Lordbond007 :
11-12-08 11:51: Transferred 10000 Gold to Lordbond007 :
11-10-08 20:56: Transferred 5000 Gold to Lordbond007 :
11-10-08 20:55: Transferred 2000 Gold to Lordbond007 :
11-09-08 18:46: Transferred 400 Gold to Lordbond007 :
11-09-08 18:45: Transferred 100 Gold to Lordbond007 :
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4306171&page=0 Nidan
[Player banned by moderator Kush until 2008-12-17 00:43:02 // calumny..relapse #3]
player was already warned
09-26-08 15:39: Player was imposed a penalty of 1 gold. // Slavemaster007, Slavemaster0007-exclude mutual transfers

recives money and has free repairs of arts

free repairs and money transfers
mults LewisElf https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4353280
LewisNec https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4397108

financial assist
closed by Lord cepruyc (2009-04-20 19:06:28)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM