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Author#258 the sacred army is recruiting
requirements lv 5 and have a clean transfer log
the entrence fee is 600 gold send it to me and i will send you a invite soon
their will be a tax of 1000g a mounth wich will help fund events and tournaments
so will donations
a councilmember clan leaders and smiths/enchanters they will be of each registered in the clan 2 smiths 3 enchanters DO NOT PAY TAX
1 Never go AFK it brings dishounour to you and this clan
2 Follow all Lords of war and money rules
3 Dont use arts in no arts battles
4 make battles for fun not to win
bank system TBD
smith TBD
weaponsmith TBD
jewelcrafter TBD
armorer TBD

sacred inquisitor lord of army (leader of clan)
inquisitor lord (2nd in command)
inquisitor of the elf/dark elf/demon/barbarian/wizard/knight/necromancer (council member)
allied leaders (they are leaders of other clans)
iquisatorial sargent donated 20kg 3 random elements
inquisatorial warrior donated 10kg 3 random hunter items
iquisatorial gaurdian donated 5kg one random lv 3 art
iquisatorail aprentice donated 0g
the higher the rank the more trusted you are which means better loans
sacred council
they decide new rules and changes in the clan by votes
and vote on how bad of the rules they break
it is like court the coucil is the jury
im the judge how calculates the penalty
and the rest of the clan are spectators
i do not vote unless tie on any occasion
you will have 3 stricks minor ones may be ignored but one that hurt other players will be
punished the fines will will happen on the first and second offense 3rd will be eviction
the ammount you are fine depends on the rule you broke it doubles if it is repeated
here is the opeening special deal first mounth deal no tax for rirst mount it ends at 1/31/09
i mean for your first mounth joining
now clan leader get free invite
please dont make me the only one to update this forum
we are currently looking for smiths and a jewelcrafter a Armorer and a wepon smith
just so you know month has no 'u'.
and unless you have a license from the admins, i dont think you are allowed to have a bank. maybe it is different for clans...?
ok... here goes manbearpig

typos are as follows
a invite
wrong there
those are the first few paragraphs.
closed by azabukinie (2008-12-19 13:52:31)
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