Character went offline at 11:21, 12-17-08
she probably just wanted to "look cool" with the whole thief set before she leaves the game
She also gave all her other things away:
12-15-08 21:39: Transferred item(s): 'Sword of might [E9A9W9]' [73/80] to Maia . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter boots' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter shield' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Master hunter maskrobe' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:11: Transferred 35 Gems 50 Crystals 33 Sulfur 54 Mercury 52 Ore 15 Wood to SONYcz : gift
12-15-08 20:09: Transferred element(s): 'Viper venom' 1 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:09: Transferred element(s): 'Abrasive' 5 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:08: Transferred element(s): 'Witch bloom' 1 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:08: Transferred element(s): 'Toadstool' 5 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 19:59: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter amulet' [10/10] to marked_one . Transaction price: 1 Gold |