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AuthorLame strategy boy.
In a way I can see why he would do this to save time... but as far as I'm concerned, if he's not wearing arts; getting ambushed is a free battle. On top of that, what if he happens to get a partner? Just a waste if you ask me.


People play this game for fun, if they dont like ambushes, they skip them, like he did.
Hes not the only one, i can give you more then 10 names that are travelling all the time with 1 troop, and i agree with them
Why do we travel? to buy some resources or to do a merc quest, and its very annoying if you get delayed all the time
No one love suffer thief ambush, even if ambushed is a free battle.
I can see both points of view: if you survive the ambush and beat your attacker, you will gain mucho XP and faction SP; if you simply want to get from A to B ASAP, go for one troop :)
As I said I can see where he's coming from with the 1 troop... and I suppose it isn't really bad thing if it doesn't happen all the time.

Am I the only one here who likes getting ambushed? lol
I apologize for this thread. I can see how I was rash in jumping to conclusions about this strategy ;)
closed by ipslne (2008-12-30 00:47:38)
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