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#136 cheaters

Author#136 cheaters
To have them all gethered cheaters from #136 will be listed here


Iwen and his cheat with 2 accs

3. And a very obvious one

BladeDevil15 and his multi BladeDevil14 and BladeDevil13
And sherbaby and sherbaby2

Stog and his multi shev7

11-16-08 16:48: Received 1268 Gold from GodOfNecro :
11-16-08 16:41: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from GodOfNecro
11-16-08 16:41: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from GodOfNecro
11-15-08 14:57: Received 1204 Gold from GodOfNecro :
11-14-08 08:54: Received 1295 Gold from GodOfNecro :
11-12-08 18:09: Received 1063 Gold from GodOfNecro :
11-11-08 14:36: Received 1075 Gold from GodOfNecro :
12-11-08 07:23: Transferred 20345 Gold to GodOfNecro : Take this all iam bored with this game

This was all the gold she had left, so obviously, more then 30%, max allowed as a gift
And sampex and multi coolge

[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // Foul language]
[Player banned by moderator Skunder until 2009-01-06 07:29:01 // Foul language in a Forum]
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Do not bump topics. Your personal comments aren't needed.]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-01-03 21:08:54 // flood in the caa]
And binghuo i channeling gold between his clans and multis
Guess thats why he needs 2 clans.

[Post deleted by moderator Pang // Personal comments aren't needed]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2009-01-04 06:42:20 // Personal comments aren't needed]
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // Personal comments aren't needed]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2009-01-04 06:43:03 // Personal comments aren't needed]

for Warlord:

And binghuo i channeling gold between his clans and multis
As a former leader of a big clan, I think you know the difference between clanmates and multis, right?
I do have a lot of clanmates, but no multi right now. I am too busy with my current account and also my real life. If you do think anyone of our clanmates is my multi, plz point it out clearly. Then Admin will check it.

Guess thats why he needs 2 clans.
Yes, I have 2 clans, but not for the purpose as you said.
#136 has clan tax and donation system to provide our clanmates a good service.
#287 has no tax or donation, just to provide a platform for lvl 9 players to find online teammates for hunting or group battles.
Is there any rule-breaking?

If you really want to help to find out rule-breaking in our clan, then thanks for your effort to make our clan more clear and a better place to stay.

If you want to insult our clanmates, then stop wasting your time. Caa is not the place for insulting, and you are not able to fool players.
closed by Lord cepruyc (2009-05-03 04:34:25)
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