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AuthorMaximum Speed
I just found the maximum speed creatures can go to till your compeltely screwed. Once a creature reaches speed 12 !!!! you cannot win anymore.
be happy, you already have full skillpoints, eventhough you lost O_o
be happy, you already have full skillpoints, eventhough you lost O_o

Even though i lost. I was going for the main record.3

Kiaune - 8406[Full] [Chat]
MasterTI - 7729[Full] [Chat]
egorovy - 7411[Full] [Chat]

01-22-09 18:57[Full] [Chat] MasterTI[10] vs Zombies (10048)

I was fighting 1600 higher than actual record holder. That is alot and the fact i only had 1400 left means i effectivly beat 8600. :)
Hard luck MasterTi

But I understand u were wearing GH set and cant really get any better than that, so if you couldnt beat the record at level 10 then I guess you will have to wait until you are level 11 with Dark witches to beat it ;)
I was fighting 1600 higher than actual record holder.
well, its only a record because kiaune hasnt met the next hunt with zombies
Look how easily she kills 8500 of them:
well, its only a record because kiaune hasnt met the next hunt with zombies
Look how easily she kills 8500 of them:

I did watch it, but know you have to remember he is level 11 now im not. And also he had 2 stacks of 56 sprites dealing luck or favoured enemy nearly every turn. If i had luck or favoured enemy or even 2 stacks of 43 shrews i would have finished that easier.
But you have Strike and return :( boo strike and return!
yeahh .. I think u should have bring more Morale and Luck maybe +5 luck .. + advanced offence and battle fury .. U just lack of luck there .. If U have luck say twice per ATB, then U could have killed him ...

Sorry not trying to give u lesson, just give me my opss ...

Best regards,

yeahh .. I think u should have bring more Morale and Luck maybe +5 luck .. + advanced offence and battle fury .. U just lack of luck there .. If U have luck say twice per ATB, then U could have killed him ...

Im happy with your comments i would just like to bring couple of things to your attention.

1. I was using GH set so unless using talents i couldnt bring more luck or morale to the battle.

2. If i use offensive talents i lose aload of shrews and the damage is around the same.

3. Morale wouldnt of done to much more for me considering i had 22% intitative. Luck i had +2 there was no way of getting anymore without losing 10 shrews.
I think basic offence + coldblade might've been better. The one extra luck from basic fortune gives you 10% more chance on dealing 100% more damage on top off the amulet. While with the offensive talents you'd have a 100% chance on dealing 125% damage and a 10% chance on dealing 250% damage.

Add the fact that the more hits you make the closer you'll be to the 10 (or 20%) times luck triggers.
for Dentsjang:

But your forgeting if i have them talents i LOSE a load of shrews lowering my damage. The offesive talents and rally bring around the same damage.
What I ment was, replace the basic fortune with coldblade and basic offense(seeing you have 15 talent points left after rally). That leaves us with 3 possible options of damage dealing.

Case 1, basic fortune + great hunter set:

you deal 100 damage without any bonusses and have basic fortune talent. That makes 140 damage without luck and a 20% chance on 280 damage. After 10 hits you should've delt 1680 damage.

case 2, hunter bonus doesn't stack with cold blade and offence

You deal 100 damage without any bonusses and have basic offense/cold blade and 40% extra damage from the hunter set so 165 damage and a 10% chance on dealing 330 damage.
after 10 hits you've delt 1815 damage and a difference of 115 damage on 10 hits compared to basic fortune

Case 3, hunter set bonus stacks on top of cold blade and basic offence

100 base damage, 25% extra damage from cold blade/offence so 125 damage add another 40% damage from the hunter set and you deal 175 damage without luck and 350 damage with luck. After 10 hits you should've delt 1925 damage or 210 damage more compared to the basic fortune setup.

Seeing the large number of hits you make, the statistical anomalie is quite small (e.g. you'll be quite close to 20% lucky hits with basic fortune or 10% lucky hits without the fortune talent).

Thats why i ment cold blade/basic offence would've probably been better.
you are level 10, = 35 talent points
Expert offence, cold blade and battle fury?
you are level 10, = 35 talent points
Expert offence, cold blade and battle fury?

Never really tried that one, ill give it a go next time :)

01-15-09 16:43: MoonVampire[10] vs Zombies (9635)

becouse of server lags i didnt split my army and lost 2 terns of my shrews. After all there are only 427 zombies left. So if there was no lag with server, i could win... may be )) and i was without GH set.

some complain... why is so little exp on lvl 10? =( i want another 1kk to get lvl 11... To get some interesting records battles =))
1) Expert offence, cold blade and battle fury
2) basic affence, battle fury, basic morale and rally

lets see it:
(1) is +20% damadge and +15% cold damadge but 1 less morale and 10 less shrews.
+10 shrews is around 30% damadge, +1 morale is around +10% of shrews moves and equal +10% damadge i think.
So - +35% damadge or +40% damadge? =)

I hope my english is not so bad =))
(1) is +20% damadge and +15% cold damadge

Expert offense is 30% damage bonus.... just wondering if you are intentionally omitting "basic offense" because it is included in both scenarios?

It really doesn't change your results ;p
basic offence present in both cases, so no need to toch it ))
my record was set on lvl 10 btw

new records will be set on lvl 12, now it's lack of fire power
looks like I was wrong

half way speed 7


new record :)
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