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Author | From where afk originated??????? |
"Afk" one of the most commonly used word in the game
well does anybody know that what this word means and from where it had originated? | Away From Keeboard | Ok then let's run our imaginative half of our mind and suggest how it originated | where it came from?
well, some went downstairs to take the mail, read the newspaper, drink a cup of coffee, watch the news on tv, turn on the ligths, close the curtains, cook a meal, and clean the kitchen
But that was too long to type, so they said he was away from the computer
But that became AWTC and you cant say that, so they made it Away from keyboard, AFk | some of us just got drunk and passed out so should it not be d.a.p.o.
and another thing.....what about the people who are still drunk?!
what about the innocent murderer who was minding his own business as he
feasted on eyeball stew and all of a sudden these f'n cops bust in as he is
assisting someone in a hunt and he's all like "wait, I'm helpin in hunt!"
and the cops were so rude as to not let him finish and now for the next 20
years he is known as afk. IS THAT FAIR!! Speakin of eyeball stew I'm
hungry. |
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