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AuthorNeed ideas for naming new clan
As the heading says I am looking for some ideas on what to call the clan Kasim and myself are going to start. The main theme of it is for hunt assisting. We are gathering people who believe in sharing the loot when being assisted in hunts. This way we can ensure wins and the ability to continue helping each other by splitting the loot to keep up on our arts.
Hunter Allaince?
Hunters guild?
Bloodthirsty Headhunters
The Tracker's Clan?
thanks! So far I really like MaChaoShu's suggestion.

Artamis, yours is pretty cool too.

As for the rest....they SUCK!!!

I just kid, a joke a joke, plz don't be sensitive.:) They were good too.
Order of the Sword.
Brotherhood of DeepHunter
Hunter's for Life.
thx for the suggestions guys and if anyone is interested in JOINING or wants more INFORMATION just PM me or Lucid
Topic moved from "Off-game forum" to "Clans".
Thank you all for your ideas. We combined them to form what is now called,'Lords of the Hunt'.

So what do ya'll think? Of the name that is. Well it is still in development and enchanters and blacksmiths are needed. Pm me for free membership. Will consider all but only accept a few for free entry to Kasim's and mines clan.
closed by Lucid-Naz (2009-02-05 10:42:25)
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