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Authorsurvilial Tournament - lvl 6 steps
Barbarian(AP=8) 13651
got to try in full art^^

How ?
I guess it was just a bit of luck :)
in almost full art(no rings) result is 13167 =)
I think i'm going to stop trying.. to much experience vs skill points
Looking through lvl 6 threads I found these highscores till now.
If you got better, please update the list :)

Level 6 Highscores

Knight: PaladinOfKnight 13262
Necro: simonhii0225 14224
Wizard: Centurio 7781
Elf: oopsaz 8361
Barbarian: Ultraman 18494
Dark Elf: maestro_mr 12413
Demon: IDOL 13238
fifi this means i am the 2nd? coz i got 8745 for DE faction.. so could i get anything??
it's possible..

but i don't think that everyone who is competing is posting his highscore in this forum.. so you can never be sure
wizards are the lowest :D still..i got so low points :((
14077. thats my xp.
i am necro
srry, score
final attempt score
demon 12239...

hmm... how did IDOL get his score so high?
i wont fight other battle safe for the tournament until i beat IDOL!
lol if i did then i would automatically be lvl 7, just look at exp ;)
My knight only got 12500 + score. Hope that the organizers can provide a bit incentive for the rest of us that are not in the top 3. Think this will make those of us that participate happy that we also won something.

Just my2cents...
86 renegades x 2 and 14 ogres x2 is deadly for me.
ultraman has higher faction skill and 1attack from hunter skill, a he got 18k...
can't beleave that so much difference :)
hello all!! lvl 6??
i got a score of 12214

wave12) 26crossbowmen, 24 wolf rider, 15 wolfhounds, 1 angel

wave13) 4stacks of 91 farmers

wave14) 4 magi, 23faeries, 46skeleton, 4vampire count

wave15) cant remember huhu
13748 with lv 6 demon, one last try
Powerful Factions In Tournaments :-

1) Necromancer

2) Barbarian

3) Demon
Powerful Factions In Tournaments :-

1) wizard
i wonder to make a new high score for lv6....but now i reach to lv 7....sad /_\
I want to ask :

If someone got level up ex : Ultraman, he had made a high score tournament in level 6 (18494), but now he is at level 7 now, how about the prize or the incentive?

Will he still got the lv.6 prize?

Do the every faction highest score maker will take a prize too (which is divided)?

if someone is level 6, he players, gets a score of xx, then levels up
does the tournament again, but now on level 7, and he gets a score of yy

Then, if xx is the highest score of his faction at level 6, then he still gets that price, and if yy is the highest score of his faction at level 7, he can ALSO receive that price =)
hmm, double prize..

no yet answer --> Do the every faction highest score maker will take a prize (which is divided)?

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