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AuthorSurvilial Tournament 5 lvl
Elf : 3893

Vampiric Lizard is disturbing!
scored 4204 with my sixth try any barb except red_ant have better than me?
6238, Knights .. stuck at 2 lizards, 4 minos, 1 sphynx Guardian and 6 apparitions .. Damn, just 1 swordsmen left there .. but the ESCORT is the best talent ever .. ^^ they can kill many more enemies .. Wait till my racial reaches level 4 .. I will get more exps and SP and scores there ..

Congrats to the highest score now .. 130.000 gold is waiting for u .. ^^
To my friend Taniser and Crasas : GOOD LUCK .. I wish alwasy the best for u all ^^ be the winner, men .. ^^
3696, wizard

those 4x4 vampiric lizards are too much for my army
also the imps are nasty to drain that little mana I have
u guys wanna know wats funny, de incentive prize for 5-8 has much more dan the main prize. so whoever is running up for second gets de highest prize, i think
6740 elf
at wave 14 I had only 2 faeries. This battle was better with 2 waves then the previous.
barb 6377
barb 4688 final try
how does a barbarian beat the vampiric lizards? its impossible!
what now i level up and do some level 6 tournaments again :)
lvl5 DE
hu has the highest score now
i'm short of that score by just 150 points
got stuck at the 4x4 lizard vampires
score 11163 ,16202 necro,necro-11437))) ... "Survilial Tournament" for necros.. )
7612 only
how does a barbarian beat the vampiric lizards? its impossible!

its not impossible, the secret is that u try to keep as many army as u can and then ogre will just pummel them in just a matter of time
if no one have higher score than 4688 (cept for crowbar and red_ant) then I should got 3rd place :D
my question is unanswered!!
anybody noe hu is lvl5 DE record holder?
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