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AuthorBuying elements
First of all, meteorite shards and toadstools - 2400 and 400, negotiations are possible.
Toadstool 450.
Meteorite shard costs 2800 golds in market and toadstool is 500.
You are wrong. The prices you see on the market are the prices of those who wants to sell. And as you see, nobody buys those elements with these prices.

A bit more informative is auction price - how much people want to pay for the element. It is about 2500 for m. shard and 450 for toadstool. Nobody pays more - watch the market.

So the choice is yours - you can either post an auction and wait or sell these elements to me. It is much faster and you can sell more than 3 elements per day. With the price guaranteed.
..2 toadstool.
Thanks, got them. Who will be the next?
Still here =)
Shard 2400
Toadstool 450

Bargaining if needed =)
If you'll find higher prices anywhere, I'll try to accept them.

Shard 2500.
Best prices.
Still here =)
ill sell metiorite shard at at least 2500 gold.
i'll sell M.Shard 2500 too.....selling 3
Thank you. Who is the next?
Contact me via PM.
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